Open up, O ancient gates, and let the King of Glory in. Who is this King of Glory? The Lord, strong and mighty, invincible in battle. Yes, open wide the gates and let the King of Glory in. Who is this King of Glory? The Commander of all of heaven’s armies!
(Psalm 24:7-10 TLB)
O my precious God, I shall open up the gates of my heart and let the Lord the King of glory into my heart. You the King of Glory, the Lord who is strong and mighty, invincible in battle. Yes, I shall open wide the gates of my heart and let the King of Glory in. He is the King of Glory, the Commander of all the heaven’s armies.
I shall be blessed as I am a child of His, I shall be patient, and will not force what is not ready to be birthed, as I know His timing is perfect and not by chance. I shall lift up my gates for He is with me and He will strengthen and sustain me. The heavens rejoice and are pleased with my progress in this such sort time. I was called, yes chosen for such a time as this and my destiny will be fulfilled. I shall not look to the left or right, but at Christ Jesus Himself, He loves me more than I know and I am His. I shall shine in my faithfulness to Him and His shining light within me shall glorify Him, wherever I go; and whoever I am with, His glorious name shall be magnified and exalted forever and always. Amen.
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