Monday, 2 November 2015

New Blog Post: A House Of Prayer – Daily Devotional ‘Come Into God’s House Daily to Meet with Him in Prayer’

My Old Nature

Reading: Galatians 5:16-17

“Live by the Spirit.”


Father, I confess to You I have been living in my old sinful nature. I have allowed outbursts of anger, emotions, and feelings to take place in my life. Instead of taking responsibilities for my sins, I have blamed everyone else except me for my sins. Please forgive me. I lay down my emotions, anger, and feelings on the Cross with You. Wash and purify me from this sinful nature. Wash me in the Blood of Christ. Let me live my life in the Holy Spirit of God. I will not gratify the desire of my sinful nature any longer. I do not want to desire anything that is contrary to the Spirit of God. Holy Spirit, I want to follow You with all of Your teachings. Please empower me from heaven above. Enable me to follow You with my new nature in the nature of Christ Jesus. Control my life and fill me with all of the good fruits of the Spirit of God: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, goodness, and self-control. Here there is no conflict with the law. I receive this prayer answered in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen.

Lessons To Be Learnt

God teaches us how to live each day with the Holy Spirit of God, leaning, relying, and depending upon Him to supply our needs. He will guide and lead us with His counsel. We must meditate on the Word of God. His Word should dwell richly within our hearts and minds. The love of Jesus Christ should be behind our actions. His power controls our selfish desires. Our old lives are dead and buried with Jesus on the Cross. We must want to live our new lives with Him. He is only One who can help us not to gratify the desires of our sinful natures. Our sinful natures are contrary to the Spirit of God and the Spirit of God which is contrary to the sinful nature’s desire. They are in conflict with each other. We must do what the Spirit of God wants. Being led by the Holy Spirit involves the desire to hear the readiness to obey God’s Word and the sensitivity to discern between our feelings, emotions, and His promptings.

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