“Now is the time to do
it, while the Lord is blessing us with peace because of our obedience to Him,”
He told His people. “Let us build and fortify cities now, with walls, tower,
gates, and bars.” So they went ahead with these projects very successfully.
“O Lord,” he cried out
to God, “no one else can help us! Here we are, powerless against this mighty
army. Oh, help us, Lord our God! For we trust in You alone to rescue us, and in
Your name we attack this vast horde. Don’t let mere men defeat You!” (2
Chronicles 14:7,11 TLB)
“Listen to me, Asa!
Listen, armies of Judah and Benjamin!” he shouted. “The Lord will stay with you
as long as you stay with Him! Whenever you look for Him, you will find Him. But
if you forsake Him, He will forsake You. But you men of Judah, keep up the good
work and don’t get discouraged, for you will be rewarded.” (2 Chronicles 15:2,7
Lord Jesus, You will
build walls around me, with towers, gates, and bars. The land is still mine,
because I have sought the Lord my God, I sought Him and He has given me rest on
every side. You have blessed me with peace because of my obedience to You. So,
I can go ahead with these projects very successfully.
I know that no one else
can help me but You, O God. I am powerless without You. Lord, there is no one
like You, my God. I am totally reliant upon You for everything l need in my
“O Lord,” I cried out to
God, “no one else can help me! I need Your help against the mighty army that is
against me. O Lord, please will You help me! My trust is in You alone to rescue
me through Jesus Christ my precious Lord.
Do not let man prevail
against me O God. I shall listen to You for guidance and instruction, You will
lead me into the way You want me to go. You are with me, You have promised
never to leave me nor forsake me and I will never want to forsake You.
As for me, I shall be
strong in the almighty power of God and I will never give up until I see God’s
purpose fulfilled within my life, and He will be the One who will reward me for
the work I will do in His name. He will establish His kingdom here on earth and
in heaven for everything is controlled by His almighty hand in His name the
name of Jesus Christ my precious Lord. Amen.