Friday, 8 December 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘God Given Abilities‘

Be sure to use the abilities God has given you through his prophets when the elders of the church laid their hands upon your head. Put these abilities to work; throw yourself into your tasks so that everyone may notice your improvement and progress. Keep a close watch on all you do and think. Stay true to what is right and God will bless you and use you to help others. (1 Timothy 4:14-16 TLB)

God has blessed us with an array of talents and opportunities that are uniquely ours. We should use these spiritual gifts God has given to us, and use those gifts to the best of our abilities. Our talents are improved by exercising those gifts in faith, putting our gifts into practice; everyone should then notice the improvement and progress we make in the name of Jesus Christ. We need discipline to develop our skills. That’s precisely what God wants us to do, and that is precisely what we should desire for ourselves. As we seek to expand our talents, we will undoubtedly encounter stumbling blocks along the way – things like fear of rejection or fear of failure. When we do, we must not stumble! We must take all concerns to God in prayer, and then keep walking in faith, asking God to refine our skills and offering up our services to God. When the time is right, He will use us – but it’s up to us to be thoroughly prepared when He does.


Father, thank You for all the talents and opportunities that are uniquely mine through Jesus Christ. May I use each spiritual gift You have given to me, to glorify, magnify, and exalt Your precious and holy name. Help me to be disciplined and obey You. I ask You to develop those skills within me, so that I may grow deep in my faith and trust in You. I ask this prayer in faith, for the honour and glory of Your precious name. Amen.

Wednesday, 6 December 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Be Cheerful‘

When a man is gloomy, everything seems to go wrong; when he is cheerful, everything seems right! (Proverbs 15:15 TLB)

We must have a right attitude, it can colour our whole personality. When we are gloomy, everything seems to go wrong; when we are cheerful, everything seems right! We cannot always choose what happens to us, but we can choose our attitudes toward each situation. The secret to a happy heart is filling our mind with thoughts that are true, pure, and lovely, with thoughts that dwell on the good things in life. Life should be a celebration, but sometimes we don’t feel much like celebrating. In fact, when the weight of the world seems to bear down upon our shoulders, celebration may be the last thing on our minds …. but it shouldn’t be. So we should give thanks for these hours on loan from heaven, celebrating them and filling them with song. We must look at our attitudes and then examine what you would allow to enter into our mind and what we allow ourselves to dwell on. We must be open up our hearts to God and allow Him to make the changes to our lives.


Heavenly Father, I choose to have the attitude of Christ, and be joyful and happy in Him. I refuse to give in to misery. I choose to have a cheerful heart, for God has given me cause to celebrate with Him. I praise and thank Him forever and always in Jesus Christ. Amen.

Monday, 4 December 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Believing Prayer‘

Listen to me! You can pray for anything, and if you believe, you have it; it’s yours!
(Mark 11:24 TLB)

Jesus, is the example for us to follow. God’s Word shows us how He prayed to the Father about everything. He knew when He prayed and included the Father in each situation, God would answer Him in accordance to His will. We need to pray in this same manner. We must listen to the Holy Spirit of God and follow His leading. He shows us what we should pray for. Glorifying the Father with praise, seeking His will, petitioning for our daily needs, asking for the forgiveness of our sins,  and finally, asking for His protection from the temptations and the schemes of the Evil One.
Prayer is a way of communicating with our Father. We can include Him and share everything with Him. We can hear Him speaking to our hearts. The Holy Spirit of God, open up our eyes to see, and He opens our ears to hear, through the Word of God. Whatever we ask for in faith, if we believe; we have it; it’s ours! It’s a time we should listen to the whispering of the Holy Spirit of God, He brings the truth to our hearts from the Father’s heart. Asking for our faith to be increased, is a crucial facet. Faith opens a channel through which God’s blessings and miraculous answers can flow. God’s words creates our faith to grow as we hear and obey Him. When you add heart-based faith to your prayers, nothing will be impossible.


Father, I will listen to You, and I will pray in faith; the faith of a mustard seed that moves the mountains. I believe in You and I believe in Jesus Christ. I pray together with the Holy Spirit of God through His supernatural power. Thank You for answering my prayers in accordance to Your will. I praise and bless You now and forever more in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Friday, 1 December 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Expressing Faith‘

In reply Jesus said to the disciples, “If you only have faith in God—this is the absolute truth—you can say to this Mount of Olives, ‘Rise up and fall into the Mediterranean,’ and your command will be obeyed. All that’s required is that you really believe and have no doubt! Listen to me! You can pray for anything, and if you believe, you have it; it’s yours!
(Mark 11:23-24 TLB)

Expressing faith in something, we must meet these conditions: You must be a believer.You must not hold grudges against another person. You must not pray with selfish motives. Your requests must be for the good of God’s Kingdom. To pray effectively, you need faith in God, not faith in the object of your request, you will be left with nothing if your request is refused. The faith that pleases the Father and Jesus Christ; is the faith we place in Them. This is the only faith that glorifies the Father and Him. It is the faith that creates an open channel through which They can provide the miraculous power for us to do the impossible. This kind of faith flows from our heart, and it’s source is the Holy Spirit. Faith is the foundation rooted and grounded in Christ and to live in the Word of God. All that’s required is that you really believe and have no doubt! Listen to me! You can pray for anything, and if you believe, you have it; it’s yours!


Father, I praise and thank You for the truth of Your Word. I do believe that You can move the mountains when I do not doubt in faith. I can pray for anything and I know my command will be obeyed. You will answer me when it’s in Your timing in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Search for God‘

But you will also begin to search again for Jehovah your God, and you will find him when you search for him with all your heart and soul. (Deuteronomy 4:29 TLB)

Do you want to know God? God promised that if we seek Him with all of our hearts and souls, we would find Him. It is not His intention to hide Himself from us. God is knowable and wants to be known – but we have to want to know Him. Acts of service and worship must be accompanied by sincere devotion of the heart. God is everywhere you have ever been and everywhere you will ever go. His is with us night and day. He knows our every thought; He hears our every heartbeat. But sometimes in the crush of our daily duties, God may seem far away. Or when the disappointments and sorrows of life may leave you broken-hearted, we can feel as if God is distant – but be assured He is not. He uses situations and our circumstances so that we will seek Him with all of our hearts. He is very patient with us to reach out to Him. When we do reach out to Him, we will experience His comfort, the peace and the assurance that only He can give. He shows Himself to us in a real and wonderful ways.


Heavenly Father, I cannot take anyone else word for God. I experience Your presence daily, because I search for You with all of my heart through Jesus Christ, and in the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit of God; I give Him all my praise, worship, adoration, and love in Jesus name. Amen.

Monday, 27 November 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Obey Him‘

“Just tell them to sit down on the ground in groups of about fifty each,” Jesus replied. So they did. (Luke 9:14-15 TLB)

Do you think God would ask us to do something that we and He together couldn’t handle together?  We are often tempted to lean upon our own resources, and let those resources limit what our beliefs and actions in Him will be. We have to learn to trust Him. We can do this if we continually ask the Holy Spirit of God to help us. He doesn’t want us to do what is natural – He wants us to walk by faith and lean upon His supernatural power through Jesus Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God. We must apply His words to each situation, and by faith obey Him. There is nothing impossible that God cannot do. Watch what He will do through you and around you. Our limitations are not His limitations. Just trust Him, and see what He will do.


Heavenly Father, how grateful and thankful I am to You, for sending Your Holy Spirit to live and reside in me. He has given me the confidence, faith, and supernatural power to trust in You, and He helps me to have confidence and faith to believe nothing is impossible for God. You have increased my faith to believe in Jesus Christ, and He will do everything He has said and promised me at His appointed time. Amen.

Friday, 24 November 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘A New Life‘

And no one puts new wine into old wineskins, for the new wine bursts the old skins, ruining the skins and spilling the wine. New wine must be put into new wineskins.
(Luke 5:37-38 TLB)

The Pharisees were too rigid to accept Jesus Christ, who could not contained in their traditions or rules. Christianity requires new approaches, new traditions and new structures. Jesus Christ, came to proclaim the new covenant between the Father and humanity, one that requires a whole new person, a person created by a new birth, a birth of the Spirit. This is when in faith we believe that Jesus Christ, is the Son of God, and that He died on the Cross of Calvary; for all our sins. When ask Him to forgive our sins, we become a new creation, created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God has before ordained that we should walk ye in Him. When we do this we are a new person, a person created by a new birth, a birth of the Spirit of God. God doesn’t want me to try to make my old nature and old values fit into my new nature and my new life. Instead , He wants me to abandon my old way of life, and concentrate on nourishing my spirit with His words.


Heavenly Father, I desire to do things in Your will and ways. I relinquish my old nature and my old ways of life to You. I want to concentrate on nourishing my spirit by the Spirit of God, taking in and relying, depending, and leaning upon His Word in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Experience Joy‘

You have let me experience the joys of life and the exquisite pleasures of your own eternal presence. (Psalm 16:11 TLB)

Do you ever wonder if God is really there? If so, you are not the first person to think such thoughts. It’s when our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, begins to grow through the Holy Spirit of God, He is the One who assures us that there truly is a living God. But when questions arise and doubts begin to creep into your mind, remember this; you take all those questions and doubts to God. They do not threaten Him. He already knows your heart and mind, .... so why not go to Him and give Him the chance to give you the answers and the faith you seek? He will give us the assurance that He’s not only out there – He’s right here, with you. Today, quiet yourself long enough to sense His presence. This is when God comforts our hearts and renews us in our spirits. He’s always with us, willing to show us the way and grant us the pleasure of living with Him forever. We are never more fulfilled than when our longing for God is met by His presence in our lives. We experience the joys of life in Him and the exquisite pleasure of our own eternal presence.


Father God, thank You for showing me the way of life, granting me Your joy of Your presence and the pleasures of living with You forever through Your precious Son Jesus Christ, and in the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit of God. Amen.

Monday, 20 November 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Filled with Joy‘

And now I am coming to you. I have told them many things while I was with them so that they would be filled with my joy. I have given them your commands. And the world hates them because they don’t fit in with it, just as I don’t. (John 17:13-14 TLB)

God has shown me the difference between His joy and my happiness. My happiness depends upon my circumstances. When something happens in my life that I like, I am happy. But when things turn out otherwise, I lose my happiness. If something bad happens to me, my happiness is replaced with sadness or disappointment. On the other hand, God’s joy never varies with changing circumstances. His joy resides in Him and His words- the words given to Him by the Father for Him to speak to us. The key to immeasurable joy is living in intimate contact with Christ, the source of all joy. When we do, we will experience God’s special care and protection and see the victory God brings even when defeat seems certain. God’s word sustains us through the Holy Spirit. When we abide in His words, His joy will abide in us! Then we will receive even more joy when you spend more time abiding in His words. His joy will fill us up and overflow to those around us.


Heavenly Father, thank You for filling me with all of Your joy, through the Holy Spirit of God. May I continue to abide in Your word, no matter what my circumstances maybe. Do not let me be sad or disappointed. When something bad happens to me, may I continue to remain happy and contented because You are in control of all my circumstances in the precious name of Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen.

Friday, 17 November 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Remain In The Light‘

I have come as a Light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in me will no longer wander in the darkness. If anyone hears me and doesn’t obey me, I am not his judge—for I have come to save the world and not to judge it. (John 12:46-47 TLB)

God has shown me how important it is to speak out and tell others about the darkness that is in the world. When we walk in sin, we are in darkness. It is only when we repent from our sins and ask God to forgive us our sins, and accept that Jesus died for our sins that He comes into our hearts and lives in us; through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit of God. As we lean, depend, and rely upon Him to show us the truth; the darkness has no more power or control over us. God’s Word, is Light and we must hear and obey Him. When our behaviour steps out of His Light into darkness, we realise that we have forsaken His words. But we don’t have to remain there. We can get back into God’s words. Hear them and obey them. There’s no other way to escape the darkness and no other way to remain in the light. We must remain in God’s words daily – to love Christ, to grow our faith; to become His true disciple, to know the truth, this is when we remain free.


Heavenly Father, how grateful and thankful I am to Your precious Son Jesus Christ. Through the Cross of Calvary, He took all my sins, and has paid my sin debt in full. His Blood has cleansed and purified me from all my sin He has paid my sin debt in full. Never again do I want to walk in the darkness, and with the help of God’s Holy Spirit; He keeps me in the truth when I abide in His word and continue to obey Him the darkness has no more control or power over me. I have been set free in Christ’s precious name. Amen.

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Be Humble‘

And now this word to all of you: You should be like one big happy family, full of sympathy toward each other, loving one another with tender hearts and humble minds. Don’t repay evil for evil. Don’t snap back at those who say unkind things about you. Instead, pray for God’s help for them, for we are to be kind to others, and God will bless us for it. (1 Peter 3:8-9 TLB)

God has shown me I must be sympathetic towards others, loving them with a tender heart and a humble mind. Being responsive to others needs before my own needs. This is one of the reasons He placed me on earth so that I might become a beacon of His light to others and an encouragement to the world. When I give hope to others, before long they give it to others still … and eventually it comes back to me. As I go about my tasks, I can celebrate the good I can find in others. As the old saying goes, “When someone does something good, applaud them. If we follow God in faith, through Jesus Christ; in the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit of God, we will be able to see the greatness of God. He will shower all of His blessings upon us; as we walk with Him.


Precious God, how thankful and grateful I am to You, for showing me how to be sympathetic towards others. Help me to walk constantly in the supernatural power of the Spirit of God, relying and depending upon Him to show me how He wants me to behave towards others in the name of Jesus Christ my precious Lord. Amen.

Monday, 13 November 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘God’s Teachings‘

Then Jesus told them this: “If I am merely boasting about myself, it doesn’t count. But it is my Father—and you claim him as your God—who is saying these glorious things about me. But you do not even know him. I do. If I said otherwise, I would be as great a liar as you! But it is true—I know him and fully obey him. (John 8:54-55 TLB)

In God’s Word, it teaches us who God is. It teaches us about our Father, His Son Jesus Christ; and the Holy Spirit of God, they are the Trinity and the Godhead, and you cannot have One without the Other. If you do not have the Trinity living in your mind, heart, spirit, and soul you will not know God the Father, His Son; and the Holy Spirit of God. It is God’s Spirit, who shows us the truth of who our Father is. When we surrender our lives to His lordship, we are saying we believe in Him in our faith. We then have an ever-increasing desire to obey His words. Our faith to obey His teachings will create a growing intimacy with our Father, Jesus Christ; and the Holy Spirit of God. They continue to manifest Themselves within us by abiding in us.


Heavenly Father, I do believe in You and Your precious Son Jesus Christ; and the Holy Spirit of God, in faith. I surrender and submit to Your perfect will. I am willing to obey You and obey Your commandments and grow in an ever-increasing intimacy with You to the glory, praise, of our Heavenly Father. Amen.

Friday, 10 November 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘God’s Plan’s‘

For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. You will find me when you seek me, if you look for me in earnest. (Jeremiah 29:11-13 TLB)

God has made a plan for my life and has laid out His plans before the foundation of the world. Each day I trust Him to guide and lead me on the path He has marked out for me. He has never intended as a human being, I should walk the path alone. He does not want me to walk alone. God Himself will help me and He will bring to me the relationships He wants me to have. He will also provide men and women – fellow believers – to come along side me as encouragers, mentors, friends, and co-labours.


Gracious God, how grateful and thankful I am to You for the plans You have made for my life before the foundation of the world, and You have laid out Your plans for me. Each day I trust You to guide and lead me into the path You have marked out for me. Thank You that You do not want me to walk alone but You are with me every step of the way. You have specifically appointed the right people You want me to have relationships with. How thankful I am to You because You know what is right and best for me in Jesus Christ’ name I pray. Amen.

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Sowing Seeds‘

Then he said, “Throw out your net on the right-hand side of the boat, and you’ll get plenty of them!” So we did, and couldn’t draw in the net because of the weight of the fish, there were so many! (John 21:6 TLB)

It is really hard to believe in the unseen, but asking the Holy Spirit of God, in the name of Jesus, to give us the faith to believe what we cannot see. Many times I have failed to accomplish what I have wanted to achieve because I did not go to Jesus first. He constantly has to remind me to look to Him for the direction He wants me to take. Looking to Jesus, and trusting Him, just as the disciples did when He commanded them to cast their nets on the right-hand side of the boat, when they did this; and obeyed His command, they received their reward they caught so many fish. Jesus could see what they could not see and He is doing the same for me. Jesus has shown me that I must jump out of my boat and into His words. I must listen for His instructions and follow them. He will fill my nets enabling me to be a fisherman of men. When I do this my joy will overflow, I will bear much fruit, and My Father will be glorified through my witness and testimony what He has done for me.


Holy Spirit, thank You for bringing Your word into the light for me. I shall look to Jesus and continue to ask Him, for His instructions; and guidance in what He wants me to do. Help me to sow the seeds of God, reaching the very heart and core of His people, bearing much fruit for the glory, praise, and honour of Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.

Monday, 6 November 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Following Jesus‘

“Why are you crying?” he asked her. “Whom are you looking for?” She thought he was the gardener. “Sir,” she said, “if you have taken him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will go and get him.” (John 20:15 TLB)

Following Jesus Christ, is so important to me. It was when I was in hospital that I made a commitment to God. In the early hours of the morning I found myself asking God to forgive me all my sins. He came into my heart, mind, body, spirit, and soul, and said to me, “Avril, everything that had been wrong in your life, I the Lord, Your God will put all things right.” I knew God had spoken to me and I had met with God personally. I now live in the Light with Christ, and never want to go back into darkness ever again. Now I am able to glorify the Father through Jesus Christ’s name in faith. When I seek Jesus, my unbelief, grieving, and sadness goes. It has taken me quite a while to get to this place with Him. He has shown me when I allow unbelief in my life it renders me fruitless, and My Father wants me to bear much fruit. My unbelief has been replaced by faith, and my fears and sorrows has been replaced with courage and joy! What a joy Jesus is to me. Through the Holy Spirit of God, He is developing my relationship daily, as I walk with Him.


Heavenly Father, how grateful I am to You, for sending Your One and Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ, to die for all of my sin. Thank You that He has cleansed and purified and washed my sins away through His Shed Blood. What a joy He is to me through Your Holy Spirit, He enables and empowers me to follow Him with courage, joy, and faithfulness always and forever more. Amen.

Friday, 3 November 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Devastating Trials‘

“Put your sword away. Shall I not drink from the cup the Father has given me?”
(John 18:11 TLB)

Jesus knows all about my devastating trials, like Peter, I have tried to work my way out of them. He has shown me sometimes my Father has a greater purpose than merely eliminating or solving a problem. When I learnt what Jesus wanted me to do, I just followed Him, and He showed me the ultimate victory will always mine, even in death. So, now when the trials come to me, I am not worried or troubled. I run to Christ Jesus, and I talk to Him about everything I may have in my life where I need Him to help me. I cast all of my cares and worries upon Him, because He cares for me. I fast, pray, and abide in His word. I listen to the Holy Spirit of God, as He whispers in my ear. I know that even the worst trials are only temporary, and they are producing for me treasures in heaven that are eternal. I trust in Jesus Christ completely.


Father, thank You so much for showing me how to handle devastating trials. Through Jesus Christ my precious Lord, He always shows me the way out. I know whatever trials I may have to go through in life, God will work out all things for my own good. I praise and thank Him now and forever more in Jesus name. His grace is sufficient for me, for His words power is perfected in weakness. Amen.

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Obeying Jesus‘

If anyone hears me and doesn’t obey me, I am not his judge—for I have come to save the world and not to judge it. (John 12:47 TLB

I do believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. He died on the Cross for all my sins and He paid my sin debt in full. Every time I obey Jesus’ words, I am believing in Him. He is not sitting by the Father waiting to condemn my every mistake and failure. He is not my judge but He is my Advocate. He is my faithful Friend who has stuck by me more than a brother. No one has a greater love for me than the Father and Jesus. He laid down His life for me. He has promised me He will never leave me. He is the Good Shepherd, and I am His dear lamb. He is the One who left ninety-nine to seek and save me. How grateful I am to God for everything He has done for me. I continually think about all the millions and thousand of people in the world today, yet God thought I was special enough to come and reveal His presence to Me, how blessed I am in Him.


Father, how grateful I am to You and Your precious Son, for everything He has done for me on the Cross of Calvary. He came and rescued and forgave me all sins He loves me unconditionally and He showed me how precious I am to Him, through the Holy Spirit of God. I can never ever thank and praise Him enough for everything He has done for me, I will obey Him forever and always in Jesus Christ name. Amen.

Monday, 30 October 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Life In The Spirit‘

For the power of the life-giving Spirit—and this power is mine through Christ Jesus—has freed me from the vicious circle of sin and death. We aren’t saved from sin’s grasp by knowing the commandments of God because we can’t and don’t keep them, but God put into effect a different plan to save us. He sent his own Son in a human body like ours—except that ours are sinful—and destroyed sin’s control over us by giving himself as a sacrifice for our sins. (Romans 8:2-3 TLB)

The Holy Spirit of God, has given me new life through Jesus Christ. He has set me free from all my sin and death. God has set us free by sending His own Son to be like sinners and be a sacrifice for our sin. God used Christ’s body to condemn sin. He did this, so that we would do what the Law commands by obeying the Spirit instead of our own desires. It’s His strength and power that gives us the strength to overcome our sinful nature and desires. People who are ruled by their desires think only of themselves. Everyone who is ruled by the Holy Spirit, will keep their focus on God and heaven shows us that our personal desires are not our most important thoughts. If we focus on spiritual goals such as being loving, kind and patient. This brings us freedom in our minds that is peace.


Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Your precious Son, Jesus Christ; to be a sacrifice for my sin. Thank You for sending the Holy Spirit of God to dwell within me and help me to overcome my sinful nature and desires. I ask the Holy Spirit of God to guide and lead me into His perfect will, and I ask Him to give me the strength to overcome all my evil desires. Amen.

Friday, 27 October 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘God’s Strength‘

“But why can’t I come now?” he asked, “for I am ready to die for you.” Jesus answered, “Die for me? No—three times before the cock crows tomorrow morning, you will deny that you even know me! (John 13:37-38 TLB)

Jesus, has shown me by my own strength I do not have the power to overcome my own will. It is better to trust in the Lord’s strength, and He will help us to overcome. Like Peter we can make bold statements and our zealous for God sometimes gets in the way. Jesus, knew exactly what Peter and Judas was about to do, but He did not change the situation, nor did He stop loving them. In the same way, Jesus knows exactly what we will do to hurt Him. Yet He still love us unconditionally and will forgive us whenever we ask Him. We need to rely wholly upon Him for His strength. He will provide the grace we need for any situation at the moment you need it. But you must receive it and act on it. As you obey His words, the Holy Spirit will give you all the power you need to take each step with Him. Remember, you only need to follow Him one step at a time.


Heavenly Father, thank You for giving me Your strength and grace to overcome any situations l find myself in. You will provide Your grace and mercy for my every day life, as I place my trust in You. I receive Your grace and act upon it, to the praise and honour of Your precious name. Amen.

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Wonderful Miracles‘

“But didn’t I tell you that you will see a wonderful miracle from God if you believe?”
(John 11:40 TLB)

When you hear the wonderful truth of the Gospel of Christ, and you believe in faith you receive special blessings. Every time you take a step of faith based on God’s words, you please the Father, and your faith grows. However, to take a step of faith, we must first hear God’s words, just as Martha did. Believing in Christ Jesus, is simply acting in response to His commands, teachings, and promises. Every time you do, you will glorify the Father and Him, and then you will see His glory take place in your life. Jesus looked at them and said,
“Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.” (Matthew 19:26 TLB). Isn’t these great words to meditate upon.


O Jesus, how grateful and thankful I am to You that You have given me the wonderful miracle of Christ through my faith, trust, and confidence to believe in You. I have received the wonderful truth of the Gospel of Christ, and never again do I desire to go away from the truth of Your word. I praise and thank You now and for evermore through the Holy Spirit of God. Amen.

Monday, 23 October 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Staying In The Light‘

Jesus replied, “There are twelve hours of daylight every day, and during every hour of it a man can walk safely and not stumble. Only at night is there danger of a wrong step, because of the dark.” (John 11:9-10 TLB)

When we walk with Jesus, we must keep close to Him and stay upon the path that He has prepared for us. His Word is a lamp to guide our feet and a light for our path to follow Him.
When we follow Him we can walk safely and not stumble. Only at night is there danger of a wrong step, because of the dark. This is why it is so important to stay close to Christ. He makes us aware of what maybe in our path, through the Holy Spirit of God, He teaches us to see when we are walking away from the path He has prepared for us. Although we cannot see Him, in our faith we know He is with us. His words and light are available to us as they were to His disciples. If we let them guide our choices, we will not stumble. We will see everything from His perspective. We will see the Father as Jesus saw Him. Sadly, if we ignore His words or set aside His teachings, we will stray into darkness. In darkness we will stumble and fall. We will get hurt, and we will hurt others. Let us store up His words deep in our hearts and walk in the light and then we shall surely be safe.


O my precious God, may I remain in the light and in the teaching of Your word. May Your word come alive within me, help me to remember and recall all of Your teachings, so I may never forget them. You have given me the Holy Spirit of God, as my Helper, Teacher, and Comforter; may He comfort me. I praise and thank You for all of Your help in the precious name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘In Christ‘

Then he said to them, “You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not. That is why I said that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am the Messiah, the Son of God, you will die in your sins.” (John 8:23-24 TLB)

People will die in their sins if they do not accept Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour and Lord, He is the One who forgives sins. Sadly, many are so taken up with the values of this world, that they are blind to the priceless gift Christ offers. Our Father chose to reveal the truth about Christ to us. He has taken the veil away from our eyes and the bias from our hearts. More and more I can see who He is. My belief in Him is a gift from my Father, delivered to me through the Holy Spirit of God. I have heard the Gospel, and I repented from all my sins and believed. I have been saved from this world and it’s my destiny. I have passed from death to life! I praise and glorify the Father for His mercy and grace, He has shown towards me; through the precious name of Jesus Christ. He has broken the chains of darkness through the sacrifice of His precious Son. I am ever grateful and thankful He enables and empowers me to live my life for Him. Amen.  


Father, I am so grateful and thankful You have rescued and saved me from all my sin. I cannot thank You enough for delivering me from darkness into the pure Light of Jesus Christ when I believed in Him. Increase my faith so that I never waver to the right of the left, I ask this in Your precious name. Amen.

Monday, 16 October 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Faith Is In Christ‘

The only way out is through faith in Jesus Christ; the way of escape is open to all who believe him. (Galatians 3:22 TLB)

Jesus, has shown me the only way out is through my faith in Him, the way of escape is to believe in Christ. He has called me and I must be bold and brave. I expect God to provide me with everything I need to do His work and will. When I pray, I expect Him to answer the prayer’s I petition in His name, in accordance to His will. My whole goal is to harvest souls for His glory, kingdom, and name. When He tells me to go, I must be prepared to go. This means knowing God’s message of love and salvation. Every given opportunity I may have I will share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others. I love to talk about Jesus, and tell others what He has done for me; He can also do for them. This message is so important to me, the importance of sharing, because if my friend hadn’t shared the Gospel of Christ with me, goodness knows where I would be today, I would have been lost forever. Jesus, has saved me from the world. He has been my ever present help and strength in all my times of trouble. I do pray for miracles now so they will abound when He sends me out. I am ready for the opposition, for attackers who argue against the message, for others to mock and make me look foolish. I trust God completely to overcome such enemies and rejoice as He has all the victories and miracles we need.


Jesus, thank You for coming and rescuing me from all of my sins. Thank You for giving me faith through the Holy Spirit of God, to believe and have faith in God. I shall be bold and brave and speak out about the Gospel of Christ, with every opportunity I have and get the message of Jesus Christ out to the world. I praise, bless, and thank You for everything You have done for me in His precious and holy name. Amen.

Friday, 13 October 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Our Shepherd‘

Jesus told them, “These claims are true even though I make them concerning myself. For I know where I came from and where I am going, but you don’t know this about me. 
(John 8:14 TLB)

Jesus, bears witness that He is the truth, the way, and the life. He knew where He came from and where He was going, and only He can reveal this truth to those who follow Him and believe Him; through the Holy Spirit of God. We are His lambs. Unlike everyone else, He did not come from this world. He came from the Father, and the Father has shown Him all things. Even when He walked the earth, He knew exactly where He was going, even through death. He wants us to know that He, is our Shepherd, and He will lead us according to His knowledge. This knowledge is not limited by human understanding. As we abide in His words, He will fill our hearts and minds with all that we need. And His Spirit will fill our spirits. As long as we follow Him, we will never have to worry about getting lost in this world’s darkness. Our lives will be filled with purpose and will not end at death. Let us follow Him closely. He knows exactly where we are going.


Precious God, thank You for divulging this truth about Jesus Christ. Let me follow Him and believe Him, through the Holy Spirit of God. Fill my heart and mind with the Spirit of Christ, so that all worry about getting lost in this world’s darkness shall be no more. I commit this prayer to You in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Dying To The Seed Of Self‘

“I must fall and die like a kernel of wheat that falls into the furrows of the earth. Unless I die I will be alone—a single seed. But my death will produce many new wheat kernels—a plentiful harvest of new lives. If you love your life down here—you will lose it. If you despise your life down here—you will exchange it for eternal glory.” (John 12:24-25 TLB)

The Holy Spirit of God, teaches how to die to the seed of self and the flesh on a daily basis. It is handing all of the control of our life’s over to God in the name of Jesus. Through prayer and through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit of God; He enables and empowers us to do this. We must be committed to living our lives for Jesus Christ that we should “care nothing” for our lives by comparison. This does not mean that we long to die or that we are careless or destructive with the life God has given, but that we are willing to die if doing so will glorify Christ. We must disown the tyrannical rule of our own self-centredness. By laying aside, our striving for advantage, security, and pleasure, we can serve God lovingly and freely. Releasing control of our lives and transferring control to Christ bring eternal life and genuine joy.


O my precious God, thank You for Your precious teachings. I lay aside everything in my life that stands in the way of Your will being done on earth as it is in heaven. I commit my life to living it for Jesus Christ. I disown the tyrannical rule of my own self-centredness in the name of Jesus and will walk in the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit of God, and do things in His will and His ways Amen.

Monday, 9 October 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Set Free‘

Jesus replied, “You are slaves of sin, every one of you. (John 8:34 TLB)

Jesus has cut my chains and has set me free from the darkness of this world. His blood has washed, cleansed, and purified me and darkness has lost it’s control over me. My destiny has been predestined by God. I trust Him to bring forth His plans He has determined for my life, in the precious name of Jesus Christ. I am intimately free to experience the purpose for which He has created me to be. Now, I can be a vessel an instrument used by the Spirit of God, to set others free by the power of His Words. His promises is as true for them as it is for me. If they abide in His words, they will also be His true disciples, and they will know the truth, and the truth of Christ will set them free. I am not afraid to share the truth of the Gospel of Christ with others, His words have been liberating words to me. We all need to share the light of Christ, and disperse the lies and deceit of darkness that the evil one brings to people of today.  

O my precious God, how thankful and grateful I am to You that You have set me free from the darkness of this world. Now, help me to spread the Good News of the Gospel of Christ, so that others may also be set free in the truth that His Words brings. I ask this prayer in His name. Amen. 

Thursday, 5 October 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘God’s Dream‘

Hope deferred makes the heart sick; but when dreams come true at last, there is life and joy. (Proverbs 13:12 TLB)

When we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour and Lord, our whole out-look begins to change. Through God’s Word, we begin to see that He has a unique dream and plan for our lives that no-one else can do. His plan begins to unfold within our hearts through the Holy Spirit of God. We may have had high hopes and big plans when we lived in the world, but God has shown us that His plans and dreams are far greater than anything we could have ever dreamed or planned. After all, with God as our partner, no challenge is too great, and no mountain is too high. If we have encountered a setback or two, don’t worry too much about your troubles – and never abandon your hopes. Instead, focus on your dreams. Dreams do come true, and good things do happen to good people. But the best things are usually reserved for those who expect the best, plan for it, and take steps toward achieving it. If you have faith to believe in God’s Word, you will see He will honour everything He has promised you. 


Heavenly Father, how grateful and thankful I am to You that I can trust and have faith in Jesus Christ, to believe in the plans and dreams You have made for my life. I have life and joy as I trust Your Word, Your will; and Your promises. I praise and bless You through the Holy Spirit of God, in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen. 

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Unlimited Access‘

“If you love me, obey me; and I will ask the Father and he will give you another Comforter, and he will never leave you. He is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit who leads into all truth. The world at large cannot receive him, for it isn’t looking for him and doesn’t recognize him. But you do, for he lives with you now and some day shall be in you.” (John 14:15-17 TLB)

If we love Jesus, and if we will obey Him, He will ask the Father to give to us another Comforter who will never leave us or forsake us. He is the Holy Spirit of God, the Spirit who leads us into all truth. As followers of Christ we have unlimited access to the Holy Spirit of God and His fruit. It is so important that we obey Jesus Christ, abiding and being obedient is one of the key things we must do. We must walk in obedience and by doing so, we have unlimited access to the Holy Spirit and His fruit. He reminds us of Jesus words, He convicts us of sin, shows us God’s righteousness, and announces God’s judgement on evil, He guides us into truth and gives insight and revelation into future events. Abiding in His words, allows Jesus to perform His ministry through us in our lives, and in the lives of others.    

Jesus, I do love You and will obey Your commands. I thank You that the Father has sent the Comforter who will never leave me or forsake me. He is the Holy Spirit of God, the Spirit who leads me into all truth. As a follower of Christ, I have unlimited access to the Holy Spirit of God and His fruit. How grateful and thankful I am to You, that You work Your ministry through me, enabling me to witness and testify to others through the precious name of Jesus Christ, to the glory of the Father. Amen. 

Sunday, 1 October 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Come To Jesus‘

But some will come to me—those the Father has given me—and I will never, never reject them. (John 6:37 TLB)

Jesus did not work independently of God the Father, but He worked in union with Him. We should do exactly what Jesus did, and follow His example. I know I too, I was given to Jesus by the Father. As I witness to others, I will not be discouraged if they reject the Gospel. I know it is not my responsibility to prove anything. Spiritual birth is the work of the Holy Spirit. My calling is to be His witness with the way I live my life and the words I speak. I then let the Holy Spirit perform His ministry in the lives of people who see and hear my witness. I am His precious lamb, and He is my Shepherd, I rejoice as I have been given to Him. Everything that the Father gives Him will come to Him, and the one who comes to Him, He will by no means cast out. Isn’t this a wonderful revelation to have.


Precious God, I do not want to work independently from You. I want to work in union with You through the Holy Spirit and in the name of Jesus Christ. I will speak and witness the Gospel to the heart and core of Your people as You enable me to do. I rejoice because You are the joy of my salvation and I am every thankful and grateful to God for all that He is has done and is doing in my life for the praise, honour and glory of Jesus Christ Name. Amen.

Friday, 29 September 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Pray Wisely‘

He went forward a little, and fell face downward on the ground, and prayed, “My Father! If it is possible, let this cup be taken away from me. But I want your will, not mine.” (Matthew 26:39 TLB)
Sometimes we want to know our futures and understand the reason why we may be anxious or troubled. We want to get quick answers for what we are going through, and we must pray effectively, our goal should not be to to offer quick, thoughts, or self-willed prayers in hopes of receiving speedy answers. Instead, we must learn to pray wisely and wait patiently. Along with voicing our concerns and requests to God, we should also offer ourselves up in submission to our Father, as Jesus did in Gethsemane. (Matthew 26:39) Jesus knew what lay ahead for Him, and He knew the reason why He had to go through it. Even so, His struggles were intense – more wrenching than any struggle we will ever have to face. What does it take to be able to say, “I want Your will to be done”? It takes firm trust in God’s plans; it takes prayer and obedience each step of the way. When we are yielded and obedience to the Lord, His Spirit guides us and provides the wisdom we need in order to pray according to His will.

Holy Spirit, thank You for teaching me how to pray. Thank You for showing me You know what the future holds and You will take care of it for me. I am ever grateful and thankful to You for this. I want Your will to be done on earth as it is heaven for the honour, praise and glory of Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.

Wednesday, 27 September 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Love Does No Wrong‘

Love does no wrong to anyone. That’s why it fully satisfies all of God’s requirements. It is the only law you need. Another reason for right living is this: you know how late it is; time is running out. Wake up, for the coming of the Lord is nearer now than when we first believed. (Romans 13:10-11TLB)

You cannot go wrong when you love others. This is why it satisfies all of God’s requirements. But make sure that you don’t get so absorbed and exhausted in taking care of all your day-to-day obligations that you lose track of the time and doze off, oblivious to God. Each waking moment holds the potential for us to think a creative thought or offer a heartfelt prayer. So even if you a person with too many demands and too few hours in which to meet them, take comfort in the knowledge that when you seek to discover God’s priorities for your life, He will provide answers in marvellous and surprising ways. This is the day the Lord has made, and He has filled it with opportunities to love, to serve, and to seek His guidance. Seize every opportunity. As a gift to yourself, to your family, and to the world, slow down and take each day moment by moment. In doing this you will soon discover that God’s blessings come tucked in the pockets of right priorities.


Father, help me to continue to love others even when they do wrong towards me. I know this is one of Your requirements You want me to do in the name of Jesus. Help me to live my life moment by moment and enjoy each day by living in a right, giving me the right opportunities to glorify Your name, in the name of Jesus I do so pray. Amen. 

Monday, 25 September 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Doing God’s Will‘

For I have come here from heaven to do the will of God who sent me, not to have my own way. (John 6:38 TLB)

It is really wonderful when we seek the Father’s will, He gives such joy to our hearts. When we focus our hearts and minds on doing our Father’s will and putting aside our will this is when great peace comes to our hearts and minds. Because we can search in God’s Word, we find the answer we need, and the Father reveals His will perfectly, and we can act on it at any given time. When we do act on God’s Word, the Holy Spirit will give us the grace, power, and faith to do exactly what pleases the Father. Doing His will produces a joy that no one can take from you. It is a joy that is centred in His eternal purposes. When I lack joy, I realise that is because my focus has been diverted away from seeking God’s will.


Father, it is wonderful that I am able to seek Your will. It brings such joy to my heart. I must always focus my thoughts on You, putting aside my will and doing the Father’s will this is so important to me. Thank You for the Holy Spirit, He gives me grace, power, and faith to do exactly what pleases You. I thank and praise You in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Friday, 22 September 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Being Assured‘

And we are sure of this, that he will listen to us whenever we ask him for anything in line with his will. And if we really know he is listening when we talk to him and make our requests, then we can be sure that he will answer us. (1 John 5:14-15 TLB)

Sometimes when we pray, we are not sure whether God listens and hears our prayers. The more we read the Word of God, the more confident we become. If we dare to admit it, there are also times when we just want God to do what we ask, without regard to what He desires. Our assurance comes from having confidence in His Word, not from any emotions and feelings we may have. It is hard when we pray, we cannot know if our prayers are in alignment with His will. This is when the Holy Spirit of God, teaches us to rely upon, lean upon, and depend upon Him in our faith and trust in Him. He knows what He wants us to go through. And He also knows what the outcome will be. Our faith is being tested, through our trials and tribulations to prove whether our faith is genuine. 


Father, thank You; for sending the Holy Spirit of God, to abide in me. Thank You, through Him, and His teachings; I can lean, rely, depend upon Him to show me the prayers that I am praying are in alignment with His will in the precious name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Wonderful Truth‘

When I come back to life again, you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you. (John 14:20 TLB)

Jesus has taught me I was in Him, and I would know that He is in His Father, and I was in Him also. He showed me how I can be as unified and as intimate as He was with His first disciples. I must believe in this truth and act on it. I must let His words and His life dwell in my heart and guide my behaviour through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit of God. If I would do this, nothing would be impossible for me.  “In solemn truth I tell you, anyone believing in me shall do the same miracles I have done, and even greater ones, because I am going to be with the Father. You can ask him for anything, using my name, and I will do it, for this will bring praise to the Father because of what I, the Son, will do for you. Yes, ask anything, using my name, and I will do it!” (John 14:12-14TLB)


O my precious God, I praise and thank You, that I dwell and abide in You, as You abide and dwell within me. Thank You for teaching me the truth that believing in You, I can ask for anything using Your name, and You will do it in accordance to Your will in Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.

Monday, 18 September 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Heavenly Light‘

They hated the heavenly Light because they wanted to sin in the darkness. They stayed away from that Light for fear their sins would be exposed and they would be punished. But those doing right come gladly to the Light to let everyone see that they are doing what God wants them to.” (John 3:20-12 TLB)

Some people want to get close to me, and others run away from me, especially when I speak about Jesus or the Father. I realise they are running away not from me, but from Jesus Christ, who lives within me. I was willing to give up the things I’d had in the world and the god I served. I had given up following the darkness when the truth was exposed to me by the light of Jesus Christ’s truth. I would not be discouraged. Others – those who desire and practice the truth – will be attracted to the light they see. The more I share the Good News of Christ, the Holy Spirit will open people’s eyes and give birth in their spirits just as He had given birth to my spirit, when I became ‘Born Again Christian.’ All people need to hear God’s Word. No matter what trials we may face. As disciples of God, we all need to speak the truth about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is the only One who can set the captives free. 


Heavenly Father, thank You for revealing the Light of Christ to me, and forgiving and redeeming me from all my sins. You have cleansed and purified me from all my sins. You have rescued me from the path and the power of the Evil One and have set me free from the darkness of this world. I will be forever grateful and thankful to You, for the truth which was given to me through the Holy Spirit of God. Amen. 

Friday, 15 September 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘God Knows Everything‘

O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. You know when I sit or stand. When far away you know my every thought. (Psalm 139:1-2 TLB)

Sometimes we don’t let people get to know us completely because we are afraid they will discover something about us that they won’t like. But God already knows everything about us, as He has examined our hearts. He knows when we sit or stand up. When we are far away He knows our every thought and He still accepts and loves us. We can never escape from His Spirit! We can never get away from His presence! He is with us through every situation and trial – He is protecting us, loving us, and guiding us into His perfect will. We have no reason to fear. God will protect us with His angels and archangels. He has placed His hand of blessings upon our heads, such knowledge is too wonderful for us to understand. He will bring us to a place of safety and lead us along the right path where we find rest. 


O my precious God, You have examined my heart and You know everything about me. You know when I sit or stand up. When I am far away You know my every thought. How wonderful it is to know that You are with me - protecting me, loving me, and guiding me into Your perfect will where I find rest for my soul, through Jesus Christ my Lord, I give praise and thanks. Amen. 

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Purpose And Plan‘

The Lord will work out his plans for my life—for your loving-kindness, Lord, continues forever. Don’t abandon me—for you made me. (Psalm 38:8 TLB)

Every person that meets with God, God shows them He has a purpose and a plan for their lives. When we lived in the world we worked hard to see the dream and plans come true. Now when someone becomes a Christian, he becomes a brand new person inside. He is not the same anymore. A new life has begun! All these new things are from God who brought us back to himself through what Christ Jesus did. And God has given us the privilege of urging everyone to come into his favour and be reconciled to Him. We simply need to know that the Father never does anything without purpose and that His purposes always are right and perfect. He alone knows what is best for us; He alone can fulfil His purpose for us. As we make plans and dream dreams, talk to God about them and include Him in everything we do.  Make the most of our lives allowing Him to guide and leads us into His perfect plan and His dreams will become our dreams.


O my precious God, how grateful and thankful I am to You for allowing me to be apart of Your perfect plans. You shall work out the purpose of Your plans and dreams within me and they shall come forth in the glory, praise, honour, of Your precious and holy name in the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.

Monday, 28 August 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Eternal Life‘

He will even raise from the dead anyone he wants to, just as the Father does. 
(John 5:21 TLB)

The Holy Spirit of God revealed to me, God is my Father; and He sent Jesus to provide His gift of eternal life to me when I believed and asked Him to forgive me my sins; I heard the truth of the Gospel of Christ. I have been birthed by the Holy Spirit, and He has given me eternal life. When I die, He will raise me from the dead. I can rejoice in this wonderful truth. Jesus helps me to make the right choices. Because of my identity with Jesus, I must honour and obey Him and live as He wants me to live. Nothing can remove me from anything that is eternal and nothing can remove me from His presence. He has given me His love and eternal life. No matter what my circumstances maybe, I can face today, and the rest of my life knowing the truth causes me to rejoice without ceasing.


Precious God, thank You I follow the voice of the Good Shepherd as I hear Him. I shall never perish or die, and no one will ever snatch me out of His hand. You have revealed to me through the Holy Spirit of God who my Father and His precious Son is. I have had the truth birthed within me, by the Holy Spirit of God, and He has provided the gift of eternal life because I believed in Him. I will honour and obey Him and live as He wants me to live through the precious name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Thursday, 24 August 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Safe From Satan’s Power‘

I’m not asking you to take them out of the world, but to keep them safe from Satan’s power. (John 17:15 TLB)

Jesus, prayed to our Father, that we would be safe in the world. He asked the Father, to give us special protection from Satan. Satan hates the Father, and He hates Christ, he also hates us because of our love for Jesus Christ. He tries to prevent us from leading people out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. He puts obstacles in our way trying to prevent us from spreading the Good News of Christ. He wants to extinguish our light. But Jesus answered our prayer. He has overcome the devil and his kingdom. Satan does not have the power to remove us from the Father’s loving hand. Jesus, has taught us to pray through the Holy Spirit of God asking Him to keep us from the paths of temptation and to deliver us from the Evil One. We must pray as Jesus has taught us to pray, not merely to mouth the words, but by praying thoughtful praying each thought. Our Father will answer the prayer of our hearts and He will lead us into paths of righteousness. He will deliver us daily from the path and the power of the Evil One as we lean, depend, and put our trust in Him. 


Heavenly Father, thank You for the special protection that You have given to me, and for keeping me safe from Satan’s power. Thank You for showing me that Satan hates me because of my love for Jesus Christ. Satan tries to prevent me from leading people out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light, by placing obstacles in my way. Praise God, Jesus has won the victory on the Cross through the shed Blood of Christ. Nothing on this earth can deter Him from achieving His purpose and plan. Amen.

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘God’s Revelation’

For it is my Father’s will that everyone who sees his Son and believes on him should have eternal life—that I should raise him at the Last Day. (John 6:40 TLB)

When we put our trust and faith in Jesus Christ and believe in Him, we will be resurrected from physical death to eternal life with God; when Christ comes again. Before we can truly believe in Him, we must first seek Him – His life, His works, and His words. The Holy Spirit of God gave birth to our spirit, when we put our faith in Jesus Christ, asking for His forgiveness; this is when we became born again. Allowing the Holy Spirit of God to work His power through us, enables and empowers us; and He teaches us to understand and have the knowledge needed to be equipped with God’s Word, (the Bible). We must believe in Him by obeying His Words. He promised His disciples that He would reveal Himself to everyone who would obey His commandments. The more we obey Jesus Christ, the more He reveals Himself to us, enabling our faith to grow. 


Gracious Father, thank You for revealing Your Son to me, through the Holy Spirit of God. Thank You that You empowered me to be born again, through my faith and trust in Jesus Christ. I will obey Him as a disciple of God. Thank You I can express faith in Christ, with praise, adoration and love. I glorify, magnify, Your goodness towards me now and always in Jesus Name. Amen. 

Monday, 21 August 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Glorious Plan‘

Now glory be to God, who by his mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of—infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes. (Ephesians 3:20 TLB)

God is working His glorious plan out through His Holy Spirit within us. He is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of – infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes. Are we willing to entertain the possibility that God has a  big plan in store for us? Our Heavenly Father, wants His very best for us; and He can do wonderful things in and through us. Yet sometimes, especially if you’ve experienced a deep disappointment, you may find it difficult to envision a brighter future for yourself and your family. This is the time when we should seek God’s face with all of our heart and mind. We must take a look at God’s capabilities and the God-given talents He has given to us. Our Heavenly Father, has created us with unique gifts and abilities – perhaps some of those abilities have yet to be untapped. Our job is to tap into them, and into God’s strength. When you do this you begin to see and feel an increasing sense of faith and confidence which you have never felt before. Your confidence and strength in Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Spirit of God, seems brighter and the outlook to your future brighter. When you are going through difficulties, do not abandon your dreams. Instead, trust that God is preparing you for greater things. His Holy Spirit is at work in you, so trust and obey Him in faith and ask Him to increase your faith to see you through the difficulties, so His glory maybe seen. 


Heavenly Father, how grateful and thankful I am to You; for working Your mighty power within me enabling me to do or dare to ask or even dream of – infinitely beyond my highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hope. You are working out a glorious plan through Your Holy Spirit, through Jesus Christ. I know You have a great plan for me and I trust those plans will come to fruition at Your appointed time. My future is safely kept in Your hands forever and always in Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Thursday, 17 August 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘In The Light‘

But those doing right come gladly to the Light to let everyone see that they are doing what God wants them to. (John 3:21 TLB)

When you are walking in the light with Jesus Christ, our lives become exposed, some people do not want this to happen to them, because they are afraid of what will be revealed. They don’t want to be changed. We should never be surprised when these same people are threatened by our desire to obey God, and do what is right in the sight of God; the light within us may expose some of the darkness in their own lives. Rather than giving into discouragement, we must keep praying for them that they will come to see how much better it is to live in the light than in the darkness. 


Precious God, how grateful and thankful I am, that I chose to live my life in the light with Christ. I gave up the darkness to follow Him. I am grateful and thankful His blood continually cleanses me from my sin, His love and forgiveness enables me to walk with Him. He is my Advocate. Keeping hold of Gods words, is my strength; He empowers me with His grace to continue on the path of obedience in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘God’s Power‘

And in the same way—by our faith [*] the Holy Spirit helps us with our daily problems and in our praying. For we don’t even know what we should pray for nor how to pray as we should, but the Holy Spirit prays for us with such feeling that it cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows, of course, what the Spirit is saying as he pleads for us in harmony with God’s own will. (Romans 8:26-27 TLB)

As a believer you are not left to your own devices. Father God, has sent the Holy Spirit of God to us as promised in the name of Jesus Christ.  “If you love me, obey me; and I will ask the Father and he will give you another Comforter, and he will never leave you. He is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit who leads into all truth.(John 14:15-17 TLB). 
The Holy Spirit indwells believers at salvation, which means His supernatural power is available to us from that moment. We are powerless to live out our lives without Him. We can draw our strength and power from Him. He teaches us how to pray and what to pray for. We must pray consistently, in all trials and tribulations, even when we have no idea what the outcome of the situations maybe. This is when we must demonstrate and exercise our faith, believing in the Word of God, what His Word says; He shall surely prove His love and faithfulness to us. It is faith that releases the Spirit of God’s power within us. Ask the Holy Spirit to intercede for us “in harmony with God’s will.” Then when you bring your requests to God, trust that He will always do what is best.


Holy Spirit, how grateful and thankful I am that Jesus sent You to indwell within me at the moment of my salvation, and Your supernatural power has been released in me. I can never praise and thank You enough for Your teachings. Your truth has set me free, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Sunday, 13 August 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Unlimited Resources‘

When I think of the wisdom and scope of his plan, I fall down on my knees and pray to the Father of all the great family of God—some of them already in heaven and some down here on earth—that out of his glorious, unlimited resources he will give you the mighty inner strengthening of his Holy Spirit. (Ephesians 3:14-16 TLB) 

When we have the Holy Spirit of God, teaching us God’s plans, we fall down on our knees and pray to the Father the great family of God – some of them already in heaven and some down here on earth – that out of His glorious, unlimited resources He will give us the mighty inner strengthening of His Holy Spirit. He has released the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit in us, enabling us to go beyond what is inherent to the nature of man. And the indwelling Spirit intends to do the same with every follower of God. This important truth has been passed on to us by other believers. Flesh is insufficient. Only the Holy Spirit living inside us has the strength and wisdom to live out the Christian life victoriously. That's why God gave us His Spirit, through whom we reap all the benefits of a righteous and godly life.


Holy Spirit, thank You for all the unlimited resources given to us through Your mighty inner strengthening. Thank You for releasing the Holy Spirit’s power, enabling us to go beyond what is inherent to the nature of man. Thank You for this important truth being passed onto us by other believers. Flesh is insufficient. Only the Holy Spirit of God living inside of us, has the strength and wisdom to live out the Christian life victoriously. I pray we will reap all the benefits of a righteous and godly life, through the precious name of Jesus. Amen.          

Friday, 11 August 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘He Has Come‘

No, I will not abandon you or leave you as orphans in the storm—I will come to you. 
(John 14:18 TLB)

When Jesus says, “He will not abandon us or leave us as orphans in the storm – He will come to us,” He means just that. Although Jesus ascended to heaven, He sent the Holy Spirit to live within believers hearts, and to have the Holy Spirit is to have Jesus Himself. What an awesome revelation it is to have, Him indwelling in us. This is when we learn how to rely upon, depend upon, and lean upon His strength instead of our own. We must daily cast our burdens upon Him and not exhaust our strength. He commands that we yoke (or harness), ourselves to Him, allowing Him to carry your burdens. He has sent the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth, so we need never rely on our own reasoning. He has given us His words to empower us with grace and provide the sure foundation on which our faith can stand and grow. We must never ignore His presence and His teachings. He loves us. He sacrificed His life so we could intimately know the Father and Him. But when we act contrary to His words, we are choosing unbelief in place of faith. So today, and throughout the day continually acknowledge that He has not abandon us and that He is with us now and forever more.


Precious Lord, how grateful and thankful I am to have You residing and living within my heart and life. How I praise and thank You for sending the Holy Spirit to me, to reveal the truth to me, and guide me and lead me into the path of Your commands. Thank You that You will never abandon me but advice me and watch my progress through Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen.

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Accomplish Peace‘

He spoke to them again and said, “As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.” (John 20:21 TLB)

Jesus again identified Himself with the Father. He tells us as the Father has sent Me, even so I am sending you. He has called us into His kingdom not for our sakes alone. He has called us into His kingdom, that we may go forth to the world, and carry out a host of missions that we must accomplish in His name. He is sending us to untie us with His followers to finish His work on the earth. He has passed the job to His disciples of spreading the Good News of salvation around the world. Whatever God has asked us to do, remember: (1) Your authority comes from God, and (2) Jesus has demonstrated by words and actions how to accomplish the job He has given us to do. To enable us to accomplish this, His peace must rule within our hearts. Only then can we persevere through any adversity or trial. Only with His peace can we accomplish what He has planned for us. With His peace and our love for Him other followers will amaze and confound the world. There are so many that we must reach with the Gospel. They will be reached only by His followers who have His peace and express His love, which knows no limits. As we trust and obey His words, we will have His peace, and we will accomplish all that He has set forth for us.


Father, thank You for giving us Your peace and love to enable us to reach out to the world. Thank You for sending us out into the world with Your authority which comes from God. Jesus has demonstrated by words and actions how we must accomplish the job He has given us to do for the glory, praise, and honour of His kingdom and name we give thanks. Amen.

Monday, 7 August 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘God’s Child’

My sheep recognise my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life and they shall never perish. No one shall snatch them away from me, for my Father has given them to me, and he is more powerful than anyone else, so no one can kidnap them from me. I and the Father are one. (John 10 :27-30 TLB)

You know when you are a child of God, because you recognise Jesus voice, and you follow Him. He has given us eternal life so we shall never perish. We have the Holy Spirit of God, dwelling and abiding in us and He is the One who keeps us on the path of truth. It is good when we have confidence and knowledge of this truth, we become sustained and assured within our hearts what God has said, ‘No one shall snatch us away from Him’, He means just that. He gives us peace that the world cannot provide. No circumstance can ever take Him by surprise. Nothing can undo His plan He has made for us. We shall always be safe in His hands. We must take charge of our hearts today. We must fill our hearts with His words. Only when we bond with Him will we experience His peace.


Father, I know I am a child of God, because I recognise Jesus Christ’s voice, and I follow Him. Jesus, is the Good Shepherd, and He protects His sheep. I have eternal life so I shall never perish. It is good the Holy Spirit of God has given me confidence and knowledge of this truth. No circumstance can ever take Him by surprise. Nothing can undo His plans for me. I am safe in His hands. I fill my heart with God’s words today. May His Word be sustained within my heart, bonding me to Him, and the more I bond with Christ, the more I experience His peace in my heart. I pray this prayer in His precious name. Amen.

Friday, 14 July 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Listen to God’

Anyone whose Father is God listens gladly to the words of God. Since you don’t, it proves you aren’t his children. (John 8:47 TLB)

We must listen to God words, when we do this it proves we are His children. A lot of people live on the broad path that leads to destruction instead of the narrow path that leads to eternal life? Why do they do this? They do this because they do not belong to God. Those who belong to God listen to His words, and they don’t just listen with their ears. They listen and embrace God’s words in their hearts, and their lives show it. I belong to my Father and I belong to Jesus Christ, my life is governed and controlled by the Holy Spirit of God. I receive Gods Words and follow them. Sometimes, I have felt discouraged when others reject my witness. Some people have made me feel alone and caused me to wonder if I was wrong. It is those people who live in darkness. And in darkness people believe anything they want to believe. Those who reject me or my witness are really rejecting Christ. So, this give me all the more reason to pray for them and ask God’s blessings upon them.


Precious God, thank You that I do listen to God’s words. It is so important to me that I walk the path that leads to eternal life. This path is narrow and straight and sometimes it is hard to walk on this path, but with the help and supernatural power of the Holy Spirit of God, I can do this with Him. I praise and thank You for this. Amen. 

Wednesday, 12 July 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Forgiveness‘

“Love your enemies! Do good to them! Lend to them! And don’t be concerned about the fact that they won’t repay. Then your reward from heaven will be very great, and you will truly be acting as sons of God: for he is kind to the unthankful and to those who are very wicked.  “Try to show as much compassion as your Father does.” (Luke 6:35-36 TLB)
Jesus, teaches we must love our enemies and forgive them just as our Father in Heaven has forgiven us. Even when we are at our worst, our Father is kind to us, so we should set an example and be kind to others. Even when we show little gratitude for His love and mercy, He blesses us and demonstrates His patience, mercy, and grace. We must do the will of our Father this is our purpose, just like it was Jesus Christ’s purpose. He wants us to follow Him by following His example and doing what He says, in obedience. He wants us to love our enemies by showing kindness in our actions towards them. We must pray for them, forgive them, and bless them however hard this is sometimes to do, with the Holy Spirit of God’s help, He enables and empowers us to do this. We must never make excuses, mercy is never deserved. It is a gift from our Father to us. He wants us to give that same gift to all who have hurt us. When we do this, we will truly be a child of the Mot High, and our reward will be great.
Precious God, enable and empower me through the Holy Spirit of God; to forgive all those people who have hurt me. Don't allow me to be unforgiving, but do and be like Jesus Christ, who forgave all sin to set the captives free. Amen.

Monday, 10 July 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘God Given Ability’

You provide delicious food for me in the presence of my enemies. You have welcomed me as your guest; [*] blessings overflow! Your goodness and unfailing kindness shall be with me all of my life, and afterwards I will live with you forever in your home. (Psalm 23:5-6 TLB) 

God has given me not only the ability to think, but also the ability to control the direction of my thoughts. I must direct my thoughts in the direction of Christ Jesus, He is my future. The quality of my thought life will help determine the quality of the rest of my life – so I guard my thoughts accordingly. You provide delicious food for me in the presence of my enemies. You have welcomed me as your guest; [*] blessings overflow! Your goodness and unfailing kindness shall be with me all of my life, and afterwards I will live with you forever in your home. (Psalm 23:5-6 TLB). 


Thank You for giving me the ability to think, but also the ability to control the direction of my thoughts. Praise and bless You for Jesus Christ, He is my future now and always. Thank You for welcoming me as Your guest, with Your blessings overflowing upon me through Jesus Christ.  Your goodness and unfailing kindness shall be with me all of my life, and afterwards I will live with You forever in Your home. Amen.

Friday, 7 July 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Peace Of Mind’

I have told you all this so that you will have peace of heart and mind. (John 16:33 TLB)

Jesus tell us that we will have peace of heart and mind as we put our trust in Him. It doesn't matter what kind of trials we have to go through in life, knowing Jesus’ presence is with us wherever we go strengthens our hearts and mind to know we are not alone. The stresses of life make gaining real peace seem impossible. Jesus, wants us to have His peace that the world cannot give or even understand, this peace is only found in Him. The Holy Spirit of God, strengthens us and He keeps us peaceful, as we abide in His words and acting upon them, in the name of Jesus Christ. Having Christ’s peace is so fulfilling that those who have it can joyfully endure any hardship or trial. When we are stressed, worried, or fearful, it is an alarm warning to us that we have taken our eyes off Jesus. We must not take our eyes off Jesus, but we must reset our focus back on Him, to regain His precious peace. Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful. John 14:27 NASB


Jesus, thank You for Your great peace that You have given to me as I put my trust in You. Thank You that I can rely, depend, and lean upon You no matter what kind of trials I have to go through in life. Thank You for all Your love and faithfulness Your Word brings to my heart and mind. I can never praise and thank You enough for everything You do for me daily in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Gods Ways’

This plan of mine is not what you would work out, neither are my thoughts the same as yours! For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than yours, and my thoughts than yours. (Isaiah 55:8-9 TLB)

We must never be foolish enough to think that we know what God is thinking and planning. He is ready to show us what He wants us to do, but it has to be when He is ready to tell us. His knowledge and wisdom are far greater than any humans. We are foolish to try and fit God into our mould – to make His plans and purpose conform to ours. We must learn patience and be patient and wait for Him to show us what He wants us to do. In the meantime we can use our time of waiting in wisdom, learning about more God’s characteristics and very nature. The Holy Spirit of God, guides and leads us into His perfect plan, so we become more and more like Him. He works His power in love, joy, peace, faithfulness, gentleness, patience, kindness, goodness, self-control. He teaches us how to be expectant upon Him and no one else.


Precious God, thank You, Your thoughts and ways, are far greater than mine. I can depend upon and lean upon You for all my needs. I would be foolish to try and fit You into my mould – to make Your plans and purpose conform to mine. Instead, I ask You to knit, mould, and shape me into Your desired will. Conform me into the image of Christ Jesus, and let Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven for the glory, praise, honour of Your name. Amen.

Sunday, 2 July 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Trusting God’

If you want favor with both God and man, and a reputation for good judgment and common sense, then trust the Lord completely; don’t ever trust yourself. In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success. (Proverbs 3:5-6 TLB)

If we want to find favour with both God and man, and have a reputation for good judgment and common sense, then we must learn to trust the Lord completely. Before we do anything, we must find time to seek God through prayer and reading His Word. We must acknowledge His sovereignty over every aspect of our life, He will guide and lead us into the path of truth. As you prayerfully consider the path God wants you to take, here are some other things you can do to keep on the right path: Study God’s Word and be watchful for the signs He gives. Associate with faith-filled Christians, who are relying upon the Holy Spirit of God in the name of Jesus Christ, who are optimistic friends who will encourage your spiritual growth. Listen carefully to that still, small voice that speaks to you in the quiet moments of your daily devotional time. And be patient. Your Heavenly Father may not always reveal Himself as quickly as you'd like, but rest assured that He wants to use you in wonderful, unexpected ways in accordance to His plan for your life.


Holy Spirit, teach me to listen and heed to the Word of God. Teach me to trust God more and to put God first in everything I do. Let me lean, rely, and depend upon Him and not upon my own understanding. Thank You that I can trust You completely in Jesus Christ. Amen.

Friday, 30 June 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Christian Road’

For I have told you often before, and I say it again now with tears in my eyes, there are many who walk along the Christian road who are really enemies of the cross of Christ. (Philippians 3:18 TLB)

As mature Christians, we must follow the ‘Biblical Principles’ found in the Word of God. 
We must seek the Holy Spirit of God, asking Him for wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and insight in the name of Jesus Christ. We must be consistent in our prayer life, reading God’s Word, and being creatures of habit and have patterns that reflect our faith and trust in Him. Choosing Christ as the central focus of our life, is what we need to do. We do not need to make excuses, we still have so much to learn. Many people who walk along the Christian road, do not always live up to Christ’s model of servanthood and self-sacrifice. Such people satisfy their own desires before even thinking about the needs of others. Freedom in Christ does not mean freedom to be selfish. It means taking every opportunity to serve and to become the best person you can be. 


Precious God, help us to keep upon the path of Christ Jesus, the path that is narrow and straight. Help us to follow the ‘Biblical Principles’, found in the Word of God. Holy Spirit, we seek wisdom, knowledge, understanding, discernment and insight in the name of Jesus Christ. Without You we can do nothing, but in Christ we can do all things through Him who strengthens us. Help us to keep our faith and follow Jesus, in all things great and small for the glory of His name. Amen. 

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House and Meet with Him in Prayer’ – ‘Don't Ignore The Truth‘

Heaven can be entered only through the narrow gate! The highway to hell [*] is broad, and its gate is wide enough for all the multitudes who choose its easy way. But the Gateway to Life is small, and the road is narrow, and only a few ever find it. (Matthew 7:13-14 TLB)
We must be careful not to misrepresent the Gospel. Many people ignore the truth. Some people make an effort to make the Gospel more acceptable, setting aside God’s truth that make people uncomfortable. We must walk through the narrow gate this leads to eternal life. This ‘Gateway to Life’ is small, and the road is narrow, and only few people ever find it. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one come to the Father except through Jesus Christ. There are no other paths to God. Being one of God’s sheep leads us in the path of love, righteousness, and truth. This is the only path that leads to heaven, where God has prepared a home for us.


Father, thank You for showing me to be careful not to misrepresent the Gospel. I do not want to ignore the truth. I want to represent You in the truth not make the Gospel more acceptable, setting aside God’s truth that make people uncomfortable. Walking the narrow path is the most important path to follow, through Jesus Christ our precious Lord, leads us to the Father, where He has prepared a home for us. Amen.