Monday, 17 August 2015

New Blog Post: A House Of Prayer – Daily Devotional ‘Come Into God’s House Daily to Meet with Him in Prayer’

‘Do Not Worry about Your Life’

Reading: Matthew 6:25

“God promises to supply.”


O precious God, again You are teaching me Your ways are the truth. When I make decisions about my life, help me to choose what is right according to the Scriptures.
I will not be anxious or troubled because my love and trust is in You. You have given me the ability to choose this, and it is God’s gift of free will to me. The same God who created my life I can trust Him with the details of my life. I will not worry about the present, nor will I worry about the future. My confidence and faith are in God, and He will determine His will for me. He is ever faithful to me, and He will never let me down. When things seem tough, He will show me the way out. Oh! How I love Him and worship Him with all my heart forever and always through Jesus Christ. Amen.

Lessons To Be Learnt

Jesus takes our life and shows us it must not be built on the foundations of worry, anxiety, and uncertainties. Once we accept His truth, He begins to change us slowly. God then begins His healing process by transforming us bit by bit. Worry can damage our health, consume our thoughts, be disruptive in our productivity, and be negative in the way we treat others. It can also reduce our ability to trust in God. Having so many worries, the ill effects can immobilize us. Knowing Jesus Christ personally shows us as long as He is in control of our lives, we need not be anxious or worried any longer, because He does take care of us forever.

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