There was a time when
some of you were just like that but now your sins are washed away, and you are
set apart for God; and He has accepted you because of what the Lord Jesus
Christ and the Spirit of God have done for you. (1 Corinthians 6:11 TLB)
Father, You, have
washed, sanctified and justified me in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by
the Spirit of my God. You have transformed me by Your grace into the image of
Him. You will use everything that has been dragging me down and use it for Your
glory, kingdom and name. You are turning me from a loser into a winner through
Jesus Christ, Your precious Son. You have lifted me up from the rubbish dump
and You have given me a place of honour. You have chosen me to show me the
past, so I can benefit from it.
Today, I choose to hide
my past under the Blood of Christ, so nobody ever need know the kind of person
I really was before Your grace transformed me. I praise and thank You for the
glory You have won over my life forever and always through Jesus Christ my
precious Lord. Amen.
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