Friday, 24 July 2015

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House Daily to Meet with Him in Prayer’

‘Being Ready’

“God called to him . .  . And he said, ‘Here I am’”. (Exodus 3:4)


Father God, You have called out to me, and I have answered You by saying, ‘Here I am’. You have a great plan for my life and I desire to follow You in complete submission and obedience. Having readiness in my life means: ‘I must have a right relationship with God and having the knowledge to know where I am’. 
I never want to tell you what to do within my life, nor do I ever want to be busy telling You where I would like to go. I want to be ready for You, O God, and be ready to receive the prize when Your summons comes.
I wait with great expectations that You will open the doors of opportunities for me when You know I am ready, or something sensational which You will send my way that I am ready when it does come, I shall pray and cry out to You, “Here I am”, send me.

Help me to sense and know when You, Jesus, are rising up and taking authority over some great task within my life, that I am also ready for duty. Let me be ready and prepared to do the smallest thing or the largest thing – it makes no difference. I have no choice in what I want to do, but whatever God’s plans maybe, I shall be there and ready. Father, You can put me wherever You want, in pleasant duties or menial ones, because my union with Christ Jesus is the same as Your union with Him. I want to be ready for a sudden surprise visit from God, being ready to obey Him whatever He calls me to do; being filled with the Holy Spirit's power, which comes from God, through the Holy Spirit’s of God of God's presence. He will enable and empower me to do whatever He calls me to do in the precious name of Jesus Christ. Amen.    

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