Tuesday, 16 May 2023




Psalm 5:3 NLT Listen to my voice in the morning, Lord. Each morning I bring my requests to You and wait expectantly.


Daily, I pray and ask God to open my spiritual eyes so I can see Him and to give me spiritual ears so I can hear Him. I do this by reading the Word of God. This is so important to me to begin my day with prayer, and reading God’s Word. This has strengthened me in my faith and gives me the confidence to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit of God. 

The Helper the Holy Spirit of God, comforts me and He has  taught me to understand the Scriptures. The unfolding of God’s Word, is essential for me to learn what God wants me to learn. He has certainty built up my faith upon the Rock and Foundation of the Lord Jesus Christ. My great expectations come from God who will answer my requests at His appointed time.




Father, I trust You to encourage and enrich me in my faith in the name of Jesus Christ. I thank and praise You for the Helper the Holy Spirit of God, whom You sent to me and placed a seal of ownership upon me and my life. I thank You for keeping me on the straight path of righteousness and holiness and granting me discernment to know Your will. I cannot praise and thank You enough for everything You are doing for me and have done for me throughout the years. Thank You for drawing me closer and nearer to God, in the precious name of Jesus Christ. Amen

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