Friday, 11 March 2016

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House And Meet With Him In Prayer’ – ‘Be Encouraged By God’

Speak to each other about these things every day while there is still time so that none of you will become hardened against God, being blinded by the glamour of sin. For if we are faithful to the end, trusting God just as we did when we first became Christians, we will share in all that belongs to Christ. (Hebrews 3:13-14 TLB)


O my precious God, You will bless good men You condemn the wicked for the things that they do. I will surrender to Your will and ways and I will gain respect from You by meditating upon Your Word, I do this daily. I am pleasing to You when I  wear the truth around my neck and Your laws, mercy, and kindness are written upon the tablet of my  heart, through Jesus Christ my precious Lord. You have shown me Your favour which comes from Your throne. I continue to trust You in all of my decisions, and choose not to compromise my faith in Jesus Christ, through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit of God;  He has shown me what Your true and perfect will is.
You are urging me to share my encouragement in my spiritual journey with other women. You  will lead me to this ’group of women’, which will provide me with personal care and interest. We will pray for one another and stimulate one another to an greater love and greater works for the praise and glory of Jesus Christ our precious Lord. You have great and awesome things awaiting me. You want me to be a woman who pleases God in all things. You say, “Speak to each other about these things every day while there is still time so that none of you will become hardened against God, being blinded by the glamour of sin. For if we are faithful to the end, trusting God just as we did when we first became Christians, we will share in all that belongs to Christ.” (Hebrews 3:13-14 TLB) So, today let me be an encourager to the women You’ve place in my life to the glory and praise of Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen.

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