Thursday, 12 March 2015

New Blog Post: ‘God’s Kingdom’

Matthew 6:33-34 NIV But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.


Lord Jesus, I first seek Your kingdom and Your righteousness, and then all these things will be given to me as well. Therefore, I will not worry about tomorrow for You have already taken care of me today, and so You will take care of the all the tomorrows in my life. You want me to be led by Your, Holy Spirit, not driven; nor do You want me to strive. You have a purpose for my life, so I can have that perfect peace from God, which surpasses all understanding. 
My happiness is in God and no-one else. I shall enjoy the blessing God wants to give to me daily. I shall always try to put my God first. He will prioritise my time and I will accomplish everything He wants me to do, because my time is in His hands. 
Let me always remember to ask and to acknowledge the Holy Spirit of God in everything and each circumstance I face on the earth. I ask Him to fill me with His Wisdom, Discernment, Knowledge, Understanding, Insight and Foresight in the Revelation of His Word.    
Let my life be a holy example of the reality of the message I bring. My heart has been broken by conviction of my sin, and I have been baptised by the Holy Spirit of God, and crushed into submission to God’s purposes; to make me live a life of holy example of God’s message in the flesh.
I shall witness and testify for Him for His glory. You have called me to speak Your Word through my witness and testimony to the heart of Your people and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. 
Lord, set the Word of God on fire within my heart once again. May Your Word penetrate the truth to the lives of Your people. Enable and empower me to do this so I can glorify, magnify and exalt the name of Jesus forever and always. Amen. 

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