Monday, 29 February 2016

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House And Meet With Him In Prayer’ – ‘Put God First’

If you want favour with both God and man, and a reputation for good judgment and common sense, then trust the Lord completely; don't ever trust yourself. In everything you do, put God first, and He will direct you and crown your efforts with success. 
(Proverbs 3:4-6 TLB)


O my precious God, if I want favour with You and man, and a reputation for good judgment and common sense, then I must trust You completely; I must never trust myself. In everything I do, I must put You first, and You will direct me and crown my efforts with success. I will not do anything in my will or strength, but only in God’s will and strength.
May the God of peace Himself make me entirely pure and devoted to God; and may my spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until that day when my Lord Jesus Christ comes back again. God, You have called me to become Your child, You will do this for me, just as You have promised me. 
Your promise of peace for me will never be broken, says the Lord who has mercy upon me. Listen now! The Lord isn’t too weak to save me. And He isn't getting deaf! He can hear me when I call to Him. God, You will surely do this for me, for You always do just what You say, and You are the One who invited me into this wonderful friendship with Your Son, even Christ my precious Lord. Your arms are wide open to hold me, to encourage me, to bless me, and assure me of my God-kissed future. There is so much I don’t know and so much You want to open up for me. I shall draw closer to God  and He shall draw closer to me in Christ Jesus my Lord.  Amen.  

Friday, 26 February 2016

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House And Meet With Him In Prayer’ – ‘We Must Obey God’

But Peter and the apostles replied, “We must obey God rather than men. And so we are witnesses of these things and so is the Holy Spirit, who is given by God to all who obey Him.” (Acts 5:29,32 TLB)


How grateful and thankful I am to You the Almighty God, for Your amazing grace and mercy You have given to me. You have forgiven me all of my sins, giving me the precious gift of life through Your Son the Lord Jesus Christ. 
I will obey Him just as the apostles did. It is this God who has made you and me into faithful Christians and commissioned us as apostles to preach the Good News. He has put His brand upon us – His mark of ownership – and given us His Holy Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee that we belong to Him and as the first instalment of all that He is going to give to us. 
I am also His witnesses and can testify just as the apostles did, that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Saviour the Redeemer  of my soul - and there is no other God besides Him. I  have learned these truths through the Holy Spirit of God, He does not lie but brings life and truth into my heart. He is the One  who enables me to obey Him. 
He has called me to a life of integrity, for it takes integrity to stand in faith when everything looks dark around me. Father, You have helped me overcome all  temptation and You give me the strength and courage I need to overcome those temptations. I will not compromise my faith in God, no matter what I have to face upon this earth. I ask Him to encourage me and grow me in faith, so His name may be magnified and glorified through my testimony and witness that Jesus Christ, is the Lord and Saviour  of my life. Amen.

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House And Meet With Him In Prayer’ – ‘Boast In God’

Let them boast in this alone: That they truly know Me, and understand that I am the Lord of justice and of righteousness whose love is steadfast; and that I love to be this way. (Jeremiah 9:24 TLB)


O my precious God, we will boast in this alone: That we truly know You, and understand that You are the Lord of justice and of righteousness whose love is steadfast; and that You love to be this way with all Your children. 
You allow difficulties within our lives to teach us how to live by faith alone, through Jesus Christ and in the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit of God. He builds us up in confidence, faith, and trust. Bit-by-bit, our confidence begins to grow stronger and deeper as we depend upon His  teachings. The Holy Spirit of God, enables us to lean upon, rely upon and depend upon Him, to meet those needs we have in Jesus Christ our precious Lord.  
We can hear You whisper in our ear’s and hear You calling our names. We can read Your Word, and hear Your perfect promises given to us. You promise that You will never ever leave us or forsake us. 
If we remain in You and Your words remain in us, we can ask You whatever we wish, and it will be done for us through Jesus Christ our precious Lord. He shall keep us close to His heart at all times, for His promises bear fruit eternally. 
Today, we ask You to hold us securely in Your arms. You, Lord shall cause Your majestic voice to be heard and You shall crush down Your mighty arm upon Your enemies with angry indignation. It is good to know that the Lord Jesus is continually on our side forever and always. Amen. 

Monday, 22 February 2016

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House And Meet With Him In Prayer’ – ‘A New Life’

For you have a new life. It was not passed on to you from your parents, for the life they gave you will fade away. This new one will last forever, for it comes from Christ, God’s ever-living Message to me. (1 Peter 1:23 TLB)


O my precious God, I want to thank and praise You for this new life, You have given to me through Your precious Son, Jesus Christ. This new life will never fade away, but it will last forever. I shall follow after the Holy Spirit, He will lead me to a life and peace, but I do not want to go back to my old nature which will lead me to death. 
It is a risk when you spread your wings before God. I ask Him for a vibrant mind, to expand the pegs of my tents, to reach out toward the unknown deserts of trial and error, chance and uncertainty, require courage to stand in Christ. I shall be strong and brave, for I will successfully lead the people in the way God knows I can lead them with Him being in the centre of my heart. I need only be strong and courageous and to obey the Lord Jesus Christ, and He will make me be successful in everything I do  
The Lord will instruct me and guide me along the best pathway for my life; He will advise me and watch the progress I make. He is a strong fortress. I can run to Him at any time night or day, and He will be their to listen to me and He will keep me safe. I want to live the way that will always please God and honour Him, so that I will always be doing good, kind things for others, while all the time I am learning to know God better and better.
I shall pray too, that all the people I pray for daily, will be filled with His mighty , glorious strength so that they too can keep going no matter what happens – always full of joy of the Lord, and they will always be thankful to the Father who has made them fit to share all the wonderful things that belong to those who live in the Kingdom of light. I commit and commend this prayer to You, Almighty God in the precious name of Jesus Christ, and in the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit of God. Amen

Friday, 19 February 2016

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House And Meet With Him In Prayer’ – ‘Joy’s of Life’

You have let me experience the joys of life and the exquisite pleasures of your own eternal presence. (Psalm 16:11 TLB)


O my precious God, You have let me experience the joys of life and the exquisite pleasures of my own eternal presence. You constantly give to me because You want my joy and gladness to be full, complete, and overflowing within my life. You provide delicious food for me in the presence of my enemies. You have welcomed me as Your guest; blessings overflow upon me. It delights You to tell me of the wonders in store for me when I live vitally united to You, and when Your words live in my thoughts as permanent fixtures. 
He replied, “You are permitted to know some truths about the Kingdom of God that are hidden to those outside the Kingdom; ‘Though they See and Hear, they will not understand or turn to God, or be forgiven for their sins.”’ 
All glory and honour to God forever and ever. He is the King of ages, the unseen One who never dies; He alone is God, and He is full of wisdom. You have loved me even as the Father has loved You. Let me live within Your love, bringing all the honour, praise, and thanksgiving to the Father and His Precious Son, Jesus Christ; and in the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit of God. Amen. 

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House And Meet With Him In Prayer’ –‘You Gave Me Life ’

You gave me life and were so kind and loving to me, and I was preserved by Your care. 
(Job 10:12 TLB)


O my precious God, You have given me a new life through Jesus Christ my Lord. You have been so kind and loving towards me, Your mercy and grace have been bestowed upon me,  and You have forgiven me all of my sins. I am humbled by Your mercy and grace. Thank You,  for taking the Cross for me a sinner, and shedding Your Blood to sanctified and purify me to make me clean. You remember my sins no-more, so neither do I. I am a new creation, created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God has before ordained that I should walk in Him. You preserved me by Your care. How grateful and thankful I am to You O God. I want You to know how much I appreciate what You have done for me.
You protect me with Your shield of love. You order Your angels to protect me wherever I go. They steady me with their hands and direct me in the way You want me to walk. You stop me from stumbling against the rock on the trail I follow in Christ. 
I have found a new life in the sanctuary of my soul through Jesus Christ my precious Lord. I will let nothing tarnish my peace of mind nor my happiness in Christ. He has given me keys to open a new destiny for I have earned the privileges of His Divine Favour. How grateful I am to You, O God, for all of Your loving kindnesses You have given to me through Jesus Christ my precious Lord, I cannot forget all the goodness, kindness, and love You have bestowed upon me forever and always through Jesus Christ my Redeemer and Lord. Amen.

Monday, 15 February 2016

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House And Meet With Him In Prayer’ –‘The Holy Spirit ’

But when the Father sends the Comforter instead of Me – and by the Comforter I mean the Holy Spirit – He will teach you much, as well as remind you of everything I Myself have told you. (John 14:26 TLB)


O my precious God, thank You for sending the Comforter to me – the Holy Spirit – He teaches me much, and He reminds me of everything Jesus has told me. He satiate’s my body, soul, and spirit right now. He dwells and abides within me, and I dwell and abide within Him. He has lavished and overtaken me with His supreme glory and He permeates every cell within my body.
What does the Lord require of me? He expects me to listen carefully to all He says to me, and to obey everything for my own good; His commandments He is giving me today, and to love Him, and to worship Him with all of my heart, body, mind, spirit, and soul. He loves me and I feel loved. He is giving to me new strategies – and He is updating the old. Thank You Lord, for enlarging my vision into the vision You have predestined for me. 
Your goodness and unfailing kindness shall be with me all of my life, and afterwards I will live with You forever and ever in  Jesus Christ. He shall bring me home to His eternal Kingdom where I shall dwell and abide in Him forever and always. Amen.

Friday, 12 February 2016

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House And Meet With Him In Prayer’ –‘ Renewed In Strength‘

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.(Isaiah 40:31TLB)


O my beloved God, it is good to know when I wait upon You, You shall renew me in my strength. I shall mount up with the wings like eagles; I shall run and not be weary; I shall walk and not faint, for You the Lord my God will fortify my heart. 
I shall give You all my impatient struggles today. You have promised me, You will change things for me. You will keep me close to Your heart, I place my trust and confidence in You. You will keep me energised in the race, so I will not fall apart or become tired. I embark on the journey ahead of me, knowing Your presence shall be with me and this will be a sign to me that it is You who has sent me.
You reveal Yourself to me in specific way which is important for my journey with Christ. I will be calm and collective in my faith, for I am dependant upon God and I trust the Holy Spirit of God, to guide and lead me into His perfect will. You will disclose enough of Your plans for me to trust Your character, step out in faith, and enable me to obey You. 
You reveal Yourself to me in the manner I need, through prayer, Scripture, and the circumstances that touch my life. This is perfect for training for me to trust You with confidence that through the Holy Spirit of God, He will give me the right counsel, and I am absolutely amazed at what He reveals to me through this training. I shall step out in faith and follow the Holy Spirit of God, into the places He wants me to be in. I bring Him all the praise, thanksgiving, adoration and love through my precious Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House And Meet With Him In Prayer’ –‘The Secret Place ‘

We live within the shadow of the Almighty, sheltered by the God who is above all gods. 
(Psalm 91:1 TLB)


O my precious God, I live within the shadow of the Almighty God, He shelter’s me in the shadow of His wings. I come to Him and meet with Him  in the secret place daily in prayer. It is exclusive place where I can go into the holy of holies, and come into His presence and glory. This I declare, that He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; He is my God, and I trust in Him. For He rescues me from every trap and protects me from the fatal plague. He is my fortress and shield and His faithful promises are my armour. 
Now, I don’t need to be afraid of the dark anymore, nor fear the dangers of the day; nor dread the plagues of darkness, nor disasters in the morning. He has made me stable, and safe. He has put me out of range of the hidden traps snapping outside the door. For Jehovah is my refuge! I choose the God above all gods to shelter me. He orders His angels to protect me wherever I go. They steady me with their hands to keep me from stumbling against the rocks on the trail.
I shall be careful – I shall watch out for attacks from Satan, my great enemy. He prowls around like a hungry, roaring lion, looking for some victim to tear apart. I shall stand firm in my faith and trust in the Lord, my confidence is always in Him. To Him be all power and glory He is over all things, forever and ever. Amen.

Saturday, 6 February 2016

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House And Meet With Him In Prayer’ –‘God is Perfect ‘

What a God He is! How perfect in every way! All His promises prove true. He is a shield for everyone who hides behind Him. God who is God except our Lord? Who but He is as a rock? He fills me with strength and protects me wherever I go. He gives me the sure-footedness of a mountain goat upon the crags. He leads me safely along the top of the cliffs. He prepares me for battle and gives me strength to draw an iron bow! 
You have given me Your salvation as my shield. Your right hand, O Lord, supports me; Your gentleness has made me great. (Psalm 18:30-35 TLB)


O my precious God, You are perfect in every way. All your promises prove true. You are my shield and I hide behind You.  Who is God except our Lord? He is a Rock to those that know Him. A shelter for me to hide in. He fills me with strength and protects me wherever I go. He gives me the sure-footedness of a mountain goat upon the crags. He leads me along the top of the cliffs. He prepares me for battle and give me strength to draw an iron bow! 
He shows me His heart in the matters which I am concerned about. When I am alone with Him my heart, my worries dwindle to dust. I know all my concerns are important to Him, and He answer’s my petitions, supplications and prayers. 
His ways are perfect and He makes no mistakes. And I know that all that happens to me is working together for my good for I love God with all my heart and I am fitting into His plans. 
I ask Him to tell me some remarkable secrets about what is going to happen here. For He says, “Ask, and you will be given what you ask for. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened. For everyone who asks, receives. Anyone who seeks, finds. If only you will knock, the door will be open.” 
Father, I ask that I can climb into the surety of Your heart and raise my standards of prayer; for I know You have something better for me today, more than anything I could ask for in the name of  Jesus Christ, I ask this  prayer. Amen.

Friday, 5 February 2016

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House And Meet With Him In Prayer’ –‘You Listen To My Prayer’s’

Oh! Listen to my prayer (Psalm 54:2 TLB)


Oh, my precious God, will You listen to my prayer’s for the heart of Your people. Regard my prayer’s as a living sacrifice and increase wafting up to You within me. You are close to all who call upon You sincerely. You fulfil the desires of those who revere and trust You; You hear my cries for help to rescue me. You protect those who love You, but You will destroy the wicked.
I will never underestimate the power of my prayer's. I shall always continue faithfully in my prayer's for Your people In the precious name of Jesus Christ. My prayers have sailed up into the heaven’s atmosphere to Him and He has despatched angels to the needs and call of Your people. You have given me all authority, power and dominion to shake worlds and confound demons in the authority of my prayers in Christ. I can move the mountains in faith, because my faith is in Jesus Christ, and in His power and not my own power. I trust Him to act on my behalf of my prayers, as I petition to Him. 
You will pour out Your blessings upon me. Blessings in the city, in the field; many children ample crops; large flocks and herds; blessings of fruit and bread; blessings when I come in, blessings when I come out. Everything I touch will be blessed by Your precious and holy name. I thank You with all of my heart, that my strength and courage is in the Lord my God forever and always in Jesus Christ. Amen.

Thursday, 4 February 2016

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House And Meet With Him In Prayer’ – ‘His Kingdom’

And I will also give you what you didn’t ask for – riches and honour! And no one in all the world will be as rich and famous as you for the rest of your life! (1 Kings 3:13 TLB)


O my precious Lord, I seek Your Kingdom, Righteousness, Holiness,and Godliness through Your precious Name. I thank You I can come to You for all things great and small, You have given me what I have asked You for; and also You have given me what I didn’t ask for – riches and honour! You have gifted me with Your blessings before they're even became a thought within my head. For Your thoughts are and ways are far greater than my thoughts and ways. 
I thank You for providing delicious food for me in the presence of my enemies, and I thank You, for welcoming me as Your guest; and causing Your blessing to overflow upon my life. Thank You for going ahead of me and gifting me with Your perfect plans; plans for good and not for evil, to give me a hope and a future. 
So, I shall not worry nor be afraid any longer. My Heavenly Father, has promised me He  will provide all my needs in accordance to His will. In faith I trust Him to do so. I will always come to my Heavenly Father first, and I will  acknowledge Him through Jesus Christ my precious Lord, and in the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit of God. 
No, matter what my circumstances and situations maybe; I can lay down everything in my life that troubles me at the footstool of the cross. I can talk about all my troubles with my Heavenly Father, and I know asking Him for His wisdom in faith I will receive what I need to help me deal with the things I cannot handle. I leave all the consequences with Him and He will sort everything out for me. I commit and commend my prayers to Him in the name of Jesus Christ my precious Lord, and in the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit of God. I will bring all honour, praise and glory to Him through love, faith, confidence trusting Him in Christ forever and always. Amen.  

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House And Meet With Him In Prayer’ –‘I Will Not Associate with Evil Men’

Don’t associate with evil men; don't long for their favours and gifts. Their kindness is a trick; they want to use you as their pawn. The delicious food they serve will turn sour in your stomach, and you will vomit it and have to take back your words of appreciation for their “kindness.” (Proverbs 23:7-8 TLB)


Oh! My precious Lord, I will not associate with evil men; I will not long for their favours or  gifts. Their kindness is a trick; they want to use me as their pawn. The delicious food they serve will turn sour in my stomach, and I will vomit it and have to take back my words of appreciation for their kindness. 
Every step I take, I take with You being at my side, when I am weary or uncertain, You will pick me up and carry me in Your arms. Knowing in faith You have given me the authority in heaven and on earth, encourages me and strengthens me to be obedient to the call You  have placed upon my life, through Jesus Christ my precious Lord.
I shall obey Your commandments following Jesus in all the places He wants me to be in. I shall listen intently to  what He wants me to do. Father, I ask You to open the doors of opportunity for me. I also ask You to close any doors You do not want me to walk through. I totally rely and depend upon the Holy Spirit of God to guide and lead me into the places You want me to be in.
I will go out into all the nations of Your people, making disciples and baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit of God. Living my life in faith and putting into practise everything You have taught me to do. Grant to me Your wisdom and knowledge which will enable me to pass on these precious teachings of Jesus Christ my Lord. I ask You to breath Your supernatural power afresh and anew upon me, this will strengthen me to be all You want me to be and give me the courage to do what You call me to do to glorify and magnify Your name forever and always. Amen. 

Monday, 1 February 2016

New Blog Post: ‘Come Into God’s House And Meet With Him In Prayer’ – ‘Out of Date’

And I will be merciful to them in their wrong doings, and I will remember their sins no more. (Romans 8:12 TLB)


Oh! My precious Lord, thank You for Your great mercies for forgiving me my  wrong doings, and You have promised to remember my  sins no more.
You speak of these new promises, of the new agreement through Jesus Christ, they are now taking place of the old one; for the old one is out of date now and has been put aside forever. I go right into God Himself, with a true heart fully trusting Him to receive me because I have been sprinkled with Christ’s blood to make me clean and because my body has been washed with pure water.
My past is over and gone and You, O God, have made a new path for me. You have forgiven me and so now I can forgive myself and I don’t hold anything against myself any longer. I have turned away from a self-toward habitual way of life, and now I follow Jesus Christ, my precious Lord and have received my forgiveness from Him. He has given me a fresh clean slate and He is refreshing my spirit daily. 
I give Him all my worries and concerns, so I begin to truly live a good life in Him. I am experiencing clean, beautiful joyous freedom in Him because my eyes are focuses upon Him. He increases within me hope and faith, for He is the only One who can satisfy me in all my needs. If I  do this, I will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human understanding. His peace will keep my heart quiet and at rest as I trust Him in Jesus Christ Name, now and forever more. Amen.