Wednesday, 24 June 2015

New Blog Post: ‘Tell Me the Changes’

I will say to God, ‘Don’t just condemn me – tell me why You are doing it. (Job 10:2 TLB)


Lord Jesus, do not condemn me, but tell me the changes You have against me. Help me to have my faith, and increase my faith by the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit of God, so I can stand in faith alone with Christ. Let me use and exercise my faith in the glory of God, I depend upon You no matter what the trials I have to go through nor whatever my circumstances will be, Lord Jesus I put my trust in Thee.
You are training me to be a soldier of Christ, and I will not live in luxury, but I will ford through streams, and swim through rivers and climb mountains, and walk many a weary mile for the honour, praise, and glory of Jesus Christ,

Thank You Jesus, for offering to carry my knapsack full of troubles for me, I give it to you and am thankful to You for carrying all my loads for me. I want You to know I am truly grateful and thankful to You for everything You do for me on a daily basis forever and always in Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.

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