Friday, 1 May 2015

New Blog Post: ‘God Honours Faith’

Joshua 3:13 ESV And when the soles of the feet of the priests bearing the ark of the Lord, the Lord of all the earth, shall rest in the waters of the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan shall be the cut off from flowing, and the waters coming down from above shall stand in one heap.


Almighty God, thank You that You honour faith “Obstinate Faith” that the Promise sees and “looks to that alone.” I will not overlook the fact of my faith for it helps God to carry out His plans over my life and the lives of others. I shall come up to the help of the Lord, and I shall receive the help He offers me.

My faith assists God. It can stop the mouth of the lions and quenches the violence of fire. My faith will honour God, and God will honour me for my faith, love, trust, and confidence I have in Him. This faith God has given to me will go on, leaving You, O God, to fulfil all the promises You have made with me when You see fit!

Let me shoulder the load, and do not let me look as if I am carrying God’s coffin. It is the Ark of the Living God! I shall sing as I march towards the flood.

Holy Spirit, let me wear the Spirit of Boldness, for this is one of the most essential qualities of my faith, that is to attempt great things for God, and I do expect great things from God, this is holy audacity. I am dealing with a supernatural Being, and taking from Him things that are humanly impossible, it is easier to take much than little; it is easier to stand in a place of audacious trust than in a place of cautious, timid clinging to the shore. Like a wise seaman in the life of faith, let me launch out into the deep, with Christ Jesus, and find all things are possible with God, and all things are possible unto him “that believe in Him”, for His strength accomplish me always and forever more in Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.

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