Monday, 21 October 2013

New Blog Post: "God is Not Unjust"

Hebrews 6:10 NIV God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them.

Over the years the Lord has shown me He is not unjust. He will never forget the work and the love we have shown towards His people. He wants us to continue to help them the best way we can. We must not be unreasonable and remember how Jesus handled things when He was on the earth we should follow His example. We must pray and ask for God’s Wisdom, Understanding, Insight and Discernment to show us how He wants us to handle things.
When we find ourselves in difficult situations the best thing we can do is put a quick prayer up to God asking Him for the help we need through the Holy Spirit of God, He will give us all the help we need to help us overcome every situation we find ourselves in. We all need to be in the Holy Spirit school of teaching. Each one of God’s children needs to go through this school to learn the true nature and characteristics of Jesus Christ. We do this by exercising trust and faith in all our difficulties believing God will sort it out when He is ready to do so. He is always faithful to deliver us through whatever difficulties we may face He just wants our trust. We never go into battle without God preparing us first. He has to educate us how to handle things in the battle this is done through reading God's Word and prayer. He gives us spiritual wisdom and understanding and this gives us insight into the path God prepares individually for each one of us. We need to be educated in God’s ways and not in our own ways. Reading God’s Word teaches us how we must lean upon, rely upon and depend upon the Holy Spirit of God to do this. He is our Helper and Comforter the Counselor whom God sent to be with us forever. He is the Spirit of Truth the world cannot see Him nor knows Him. But we know Him, for He lives within us.

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