Let us stop going over the same old ground again and again, always teaching those first lessons about Christ. Let us go on instead to other things and become mature in our understanding, as strong Christians ought to be. (Hebrews 6:1 TLB)
We are to be sustained with the teachings of the Holy Spirit of God, this is an ongoing process – this requires ongoing work. This is essential for us believers to understand, the basics includes the importance of faith, the foolishness of trying to be saved by good deeds, the meaning of baptism and spiritual gifts, and the facts of resurrection and eternal life. We are to invest our time in prayer, meditation, and worship can be times of enrichment and celebration. As we build our lives upon the foundation of faith, we will discover that the journey towards spiritual maturity lasts a lifetime. Mature Christians should be teaching new Christians the basics. Then, acting on what they know, the mature will learn even more from God’s Word.
O my precious God, I do not want to go over the same ground time and again. I ask the Holy Spirit of God, to sustain me in His teaching I know this is a ongoing process. This is essential for me as a believer to understand, the basics the importance of faith and mediation. God enables me to draw upon His Word, through the Holy Spirit of God. He reminds me what God has said, as I remember and recall. I worship, praise, adore, and love Him now and always through the precious name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
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