Come to me and I will give you rest—all of you who work so hard beneath a heavy yoke. Wear my yoke—for it fits perfectly—and let me teach you; for I am gentle and humble, and you shall find rest for your souls; for I give you only light burdens.” (Matthew 11:28-30 TLB)
The Heavenly Father, wants us to become more like Jesus each day. This is why He sent the Holy Spirit of God, to enable and empower the life of Christ in us. The yoke of Christ emphasises the challenges, work, and difficulties of partnering with Christ in life. Responsibilities weigh us down, even the effort of staying true to God. But Jesus’ yoke remains easy compared to the crushing alternative. He desires that others will come face to face with His loving kindness, righteousness, wisdom, and justice through us. This is why we must ask the Holy Spirit of God to harness us to Christ daily. When we harness ourselves to Christ Jesus daily, the yoke we share with Him; the burdens we carry, fall onto bigger shoulders than ours. Someone with more pulling power is up front helping us. Suddenly we are participating in life’s responsibilities with a great Partner – and now we can smile and know the Lord God, is in charge of each detail of our lives through Jesus Christ and our burdens become lighter each day.
Heavenly Father, thank You for showing me that I must be harnessed to Jesus Christ daily. I need to daily fill my mind and heart with Your words. As I do this the Holy Spirit of God will perform His ministry in my mind and heart. He will bring His words to my memory and apply them to whatever situation I am in. He will empower me with the grace needed to apply His words to my life, moment by moment. He will grant me the faith I need to take each step with Him, and in all this He will reproduce Jesus in me, and my wonderful Father will be glorified. Amen.
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