Monday, 23 February 2015

New Blog Post: ‘You Will Raise Up My Descendants’

2 Samuel 7:12 NLT For when you die, I will raise up one of your descendants, and I will make his kingdom strong.


Almighty God, when I die, You will raise up one of my descendants and You will make the kingdom strong. You are the One who will build a house – a temple – for Your name to dwell in. And You will establish the throne of Your kingdom forever in the descendants of Your people. You will be our Father, and we will be Your children. Those things You have spoken about to me will remain when I go.
My investment for Christ is in God’s people; therefore, I must increase my spiritual deposits. All my prayers for the people will live forever before God’s throne: therefore I must pray more; and pray for the generations that they may follow me in Christ Jesus.
Let my life’s stories live to inspire others: I must live to the fullest of God’s script of faithfulness, excellence, and godliness. May my giving to Christ and to others be furthered to honour and glorify God’s Kingdom and Name?
Let my child, carry my spiritual DNA: therefore I must know that she walks with God, and that the faith of my fathers to the third and fourth generation, will live on through her and through any children she may have.
God’s plan for my life has touched the lives and hearts of His people. No more shall I walk in the flesh. I turn away from it. I will now live my life in the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit of God. I ask Him to prompt me, guide and lead me in God’s perfect will. I surrender, submit, and abandon myself to God, in obedience to Christ Jesus my precious Lord. Amen.


  1. Very well said. May the Lord bless our physical and spiritual children to walk with Him all the days of their life. They are growing up in a time and age where the urgency to walk closely with him has never been stronger than before. The world and its ways have become a magnetic force to suck them into its mold, away from Him. Lets pray that they will dare to be overcomers!!

  2. Amen dear sister. We are called to be overcomers through the Word of God. With God's Holy Spirit, this enables and empowers us to do so through His precious and Holy Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. His name shall be magnified and glorifies now and forever more........
