Friday, 29 August 2014

New Blog Post: “Dead – end Situations”

2 Corinthians 1:9 KJV ‘That we should not trust in ourselves, But in God’


Heavenly Father, what seemed to be the end of the road for me, is in reality the beginning of a fresh supernatural flow of divine power to enable and empower me to do Your will. I thank You for Your divine favour. I am learning more and more, not to trust in myself, but in God Who ‘raised the dead.’
I thank You that I can call upon the Word of the Lord and stand upon it in faith which activates, Your promises You have made with me. I can rejoice and be glad. I have a future in You! I will not doubt, this does not fit who I am anymore, but I will stand in faith in Jesus Christ and trust Him to turn my dead-end situation around. Why? Because I trust in the One Who really can do something about it. I have confident trust in the power of God, through the supernatural power of His Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lessons to be Learnt

When we come to dead-end situations which seem to be the end of the road for us, this is in reality the beginning of a fresh supernatural flow of divine power to enable and empower us to do God’s will. On no uncertain terms should we ever give up on anything we feel God has ordained for us to do. It does not matter what our circumstances or situations maybe. God has a plan and He will work out His plan as we live in the power of Him. We must learn to trust in ‘God Who’ raised the dead and not trust in ourselves. Think: when your hope seems buried and you have nowhere to turn, isn’t that the time when God’s power begins to operate in your life to the greatest measure?
We can call upon our loving Heavenly Father at any hour, minute and second of any new day. We can ask Him to give us a Word to stand on, and our faith is then activated by His promises, we each have a reason to rejoice and give thanks for the future of God’s plans. We must expect Him to do what the Bible says and release His power on our behalf, and then watch Him begin to turn our dead-end situation around. Why? Because you are beginning to trust in the One Who can really do something about our lives.

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