Friday, 15 August 2014

New Blog Post: “Face the Future”

Matthew 6:33 Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and then all these things shall be added to you.


Father, You give me the confidence to face my future with You. I shall always seek first the kingdom of God and Your righteousness, before I do anything. My confidence, faith, and trust are in the confidence of God. You are carefully, wisely, and deliberately orchestrating all things within my life in accordance to Your schedule and eternal designs for me. I can be secure because You are in full control of what this year will bring forth for me. My confidence is not in my abilities, but in Your omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence.
Father, You are all-seeing, all-caring and nothing catches You by surprise. Nothing will ever thwart Your purpose for me. I will not worry about tomorrow. You are already there. You will guide me through the fog, lift me above the pain and clarify my uncertainty. I shall be confident in Thee, for the praise and honour of Jesus Christ’s name. Amen

Lessons to be Learnt

I have learnt through the Holy Spirit of God how to lean upon Him and put my confidence in Him. He has my whole future in His hands and He knows what He wants to do within my life. I shall always acknowledge Him and seek His kingdom and His righteousness. He has given me confident faith to trust in Him. I know God is orchestrating all things within my life in accordance to His schedule and eternal designs for me. I can be secure in this because without a shadow of a doubt I know He is in full control of every detail my life and He holds all the keys. My confidence is not in my own abilities, but in His omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence in Him.
He is an all-seeing, all-caring and nothing catches Him by surprise. He is always one step ahead of me. Nothing will ever thwart the plans or thwart His purposes He has made for me. I have no need to worry about tomorrow. He is already there. He will guide me through the fog, lift me above the pain and clarify my uncertainty. My full confidence is in God. I trust and believe God sent His Holy Spirit to me to be my Helper and He teaches me everything I need to know and He will constantly remind me the things I need to remember. This Helper is the Holy Spirit of God whom the Father put His seal of ownership upon me and He has sent Him to me in His Name.

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