Monday, 29 September 2014

New Blog Post: “God Corrects Us”

Hebrews 12:6 AMP ‘The Lord corrects and disciplines everyone He loves.’


Lord Jesus, I want to thank You for correcting me in my walk with You. This has helped me to grow spiritually; knowing You are totally committed to me helps me want to be obedient to Your sovereign will. You are dealing with me correctively and are leading me in in a way I don’t understand, but I will continue to place my trust in You and I ask You to increase my faith in Jesus Christ my precious Lord.
I have a firm grip on Your love for me now, and I am convinced that nothing could ever separate me from God’s love. Those whom You (dearly and tenderly) love will tell me my faults and You will convict and convince, reprove and chasten me in Your love. I praise and thank You for this.
The desires I have within my heart is not to be unruly anymore. I want to walk a life of total obedience with Jesus Christ depending upon Him for all of my needs. I ask for the help of the Holy Spirit of God who enables and empowers me with His supernatural power and strength to do this. Thank You for Your blessings which You have in store for me and I will trust You for the rest in Christ Jesus my precious Lord. Amen.

Lessons to be Learnt

If you want to grow spiritually, first you have to have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ and through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit of God. You must want to live a life of total obedience to God and be consistent in surrendering your life daily to Him. This is a matter of choice and no one can make you do something you do not want to do. It is your choice to make the decision and whatever decision you come to may it be pleasing to God. God will not make you do anything you do not want to do He leaves all the choices to us. Having a firm foundation in Jesus Christ being rooted and grounded in Him helps and convinces us that nothing will ever separate us from God’s love as long as we place our trust in Him.
In Revelation 13:19 AMP says, “Those whom I (dearly and tenderly) love, I tell their faults, and convict and convince reprove and chasten.” The strongest evidence of God’s love and approval for you is the fact that He convicts and corrects us when we do things wrong. God does not change anyone of His rules to please individual people His rules are written for each one of us to follow. In Colossians 3:23-25 NCV says: In all the work you are doing work the best you can. Work as if you were doing it for the Lord, not for people. Remember that you will receive your reward from the Lord, which He promised to His people. You are serving the Lord Christ. But remember that anyone who does wrong will be punished for that wrong, and the Lord treats everyone the same.

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