Wednesday, 19 June 2013

New Blog Post: "God’s Grace"

Psalm 45:2 NIV Your lips have been anointed with grace, since God has blessed you for ever.

We all need to be filled with the Spirit of grace and supplication continually asking God to anoint our lips. This helps and enables us to walk in the path of peace with Jesus Christ our Lord. It is the Holy Spirit of God who convicts us of sin, and reveals to us God’s righteousness and judgment and helps us to pray with faith.
In the same way, the Spirit of God helps us in our weaknesses and makes us bold and courageous making us strong warriors through our prayer lives for the kingdom of God.  
Praying the Word of God back to God is very effective. A great prayer to use within the Bible is in Colossians 1:9-14. You can use this Scripture to pray for the people God lays upon your heart in intercessory prayer. It is in the supernatural power of God’s Word which nothing on earth can destroy. It gives confidence to our souls, spirits and hearts knowing we are praying in the will of God to glorify Him. This Scripture helps us to overcome the trials and tribulations we may face.  
Constantly, we need to keep our eyes focused upon God and His truths. We need to be filled in the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit of God. We need to seek the face of our Lord Jesus Christ asking Him to enable and empower us in His strength to overcome our own fleshly desires which may get in the way of His will being done. Asking Jesus Christ to grant us His divine favour, love, grace, mercy and peace is what we need to do on a daily basis. Recognising we have a loving Saviour who dwells and lives within our hearts will help us to overcome any difficulties we may have to face on this earth.

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