Monday, 29 April 2013

New Blog Post:"One The Road of Surrender" – Francis J. Roberts


Out of much tribulation I bring forth a people for the glory of My Name. I am shaping you in the furnace of affliction that I may set a seal upon you and display in you My own identity. I desire that you be one with Me in all I have purposed, and as I move in the earth today to redeem the lost and deliver the captives, you are moving with Me whenever your soul and spirit are yielded to Me as an open channel of prayer in the Spirit.
My heart is grieved when those who profess to be My children neglect their intercessory prayer life. They do despite to the spirit of grace by thus neglecting their responsibility toward others. Can a man love God while ignoring the need of his brother? Truly, I say to you, if you confess your love to Me, I test that profession by the degree of genuine concern you exhibit toward others. “If a man love God, let him love his brother also,” states the Scripture.
Let your compassion be measured by no lesser standard that the love of Christ for your own soul. Unless your righteousness exceeds that of the hypocrite, you shall not enter in, even as he shall not enter in.
                                                                                                            1 John 4:19-21

Saturday, 27 April 2013

New Blog Post: "We Cannot Predict The Future."

“God knows the future.”

Reading: Matthew 6:34

God knows we cannot predict what tomorrow may bring. He does not want us to be anxious or troubled any longer. He has carefully thought out all the plans He makes for our lives. He knows the goals, steps, and schedules; all we need to do is trust Him in His guidance. He will lead us through the Holy Spirit of God, and we must follow Him. We can never be prepared for all the contingencies or fully provide what we may need for the future; only God can provide that. He already has! He will never be caught off guard. He will never be taken by surprise. He will never come up short. Knowing everything is safely in God’s hands as long as we walk in obedience to Christ

Thursday, 25 April 2013

New Blog Post: "Surrender to Your Spouse."

Reading: Colossians 3:18

“Be obedient.”

God through His Word shows us quite clearly we need to surrender and submit to the authority He placed upon us. God challenged me one day whilst I was praying, saying, “Avril, if you cannot obey your husband, then you cannot obey Me.” Immediately, I knew God was speaking personally to me. I responded by saying to Him, “Lord, I repent of my disobedience please forgive me then peace flooded my heart. Winning souls to God through obedience is a very hard thing to do, but we can do this with God’s help. Knowing nothing is impossible, for God encourages us and makes us determined to be in the centre of His will waiting for His instructions to follow. Any mistakes we may have made and we know has been wrong God can and will put right. Being the godly wife God wanted me to become was essential. We need to ask God to put our homes in order because He is a God of order.