Monday, 8 July 2013

New Blog Post:"Examine My Heart O God"

Psalm 26:2-3 NIV Test me, O Lord, and try me, examine my heart and my mind; for Your love is ever before me, and I will walk continually in Your truth.

We must ask God to examine our heart and mind; so we are able to walk before Him continually in truth. I have prayed this prayer many a time because I wanted more than anything else on this earth to be in the will of my Father.
He showed me the truth when He revealed His Beloved Son to me through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit of God and I was ever grateful to Him for this. I no longer wished to walk in the darkness but walk only in the light with my Saviour and Lord. I never realised before I had a personal relationship with Jesus, how much I had been out of His will. It was only when the truth of Christ came into my heart that I could now see how wrong I’d been. I did not intend to be out of God’s will any longer this is the choice I made when the truth was revealed to me. 
I began praying and reading the Word of God and as I did this His truth began to unfold within my heart and my relationship with God began to grow. I began to understand things which I could never understand before. God filled me in His wisdom, knowledge, insight and understanding and gave me discernment to enable me to get to know Him further.
The more I read about God the more I wanted from Him. I was like a sponge soaking up everything I could and my passion now was built upon the Rock and foundation of Christ. I yearned and thirsted for the Lord Jesus Christ. Everywhere I went and the opportunities I was given I would speak and tell the people what God had done for me; He also could do for them if they confessed their sins and invited Him into their hearts.
Sometimes, I was liked for doing this and other times I was rejected when man did not want to hear the Good News of the Gospel. This however did not deter me. I knew the importance of speaking out to others and wanted them to be redeemed and saved and forgiven from their sins, so they would not be lost in the darkness but brought into the light having a real relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Having experienced myself the joy and glory of God’s Salvation I wanted them also to come into His Kingdom to enjoy it too.
It was important to me whether they liked it or not they could never say they were not told about Jesus Christ. The Word of God had been spoken to them. I could not make the decision for them but what I could do was tell them the truth and then it is up to them whether they listen or not. The responsibility for their souls and spirits are not mine to carry. As long as I am obedient to God all He requires from me is to speak out when asked and then pray for these people after that it is between them and God.

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