The hard path where some of the seeds fell represents the heart of a person who hears the Good News about the Kingdom and doesn’t understand it; then Satan [*] comes and snatches away the seeds from his heart. (Matthew 13:19 TLB)
Precious God, You have shown me the hard path is where some of the seeds fall to the ground; they represents the heart of a person who hears the Good News about the Kingdom of God and they don't understand it; then Satan comes and snatches away the seeds from there heart. The message of the Kingdom of God is the same today as it was at the beginning. It’s a message about the Father, His love, His righteousness, and His judgment. It’s about Christ and His redeeming sacrifice. It’s about His sheep. They hear His voice, deny themselves, take up their crosses daily and follow Him. It's a message about dying to our selfish desires and living instead for Our Father and His Kingdom. The seed “sown along the path” refers to those who hear this message, and even though they initially embrace it, they don’t understand it. It is contrary to their self-centredness and conflicts with their desires. Because they don’t understand it, the Evil One steals the message from their hearts, and they go back to their old ways. They trade that which is eternal for that which is temporal. This is not me. His truth has been revealed, I have embraced it, and I continue to hold tight to it. I continue to bathe my heart in His Words everyday, and I will be His true disciple. I will continue to know the truth, and the truth will make me free. I bring all my praise, thanksgiving, adoration, and love to the One who saved and rescued me from the evil one of this world through the precious name of Jesus Christ, I give my thanks. Amen.
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