He will even raise from the dead anyone he wants to, just as the Father does.
(John 5:21 TLB)
The Holy Spirit of God revealed to me, God is my Father; and He sent Jesus to provide His gift of eternal life to me when I believed and asked Him to forgive me my sins; I heard the truth of the Gospel of Christ. I have been birthed by the Holy Spirit, and He has given me eternal life. When I die, He will raise me from the dead. I can rejoice in this wonderful truth. Jesus helps me to make the right choices. Because of my identity with Jesus, I must honour and obey Him and live as He wants me to live. Nothing can remove me from anything that is eternal and nothing can remove me from His presence. He has given me His love and eternal life. No matter what my circumstances maybe, I can face today, and the rest of my life knowing the truth causes me to rejoice without ceasing.
Precious God, thank You I follow the voice of the Good Shepherd as I hear Him. I shall never perish or die, and no one will ever snatch me out of His hand. You have revealed to me through the Holy Spirit of God who my Father and His precious Son is. I have had the truth birthed within me, by the Holy Spirit of God, and He has provided the gift of eternal life because I believed in Him. I will honour and obey Him and live as He wants me to live through the precious name of Jesus Christ. Amen.