Wednesday, 15 October 2014

New Blog Post: “The In-Between Place”

Habakkuk 2:3 NIV “For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.”


Lord Jesus, thank You for showing me how to learn the ‘in-between places’ and stages in my life, I am waiting upon You. You are working at both ends of the line; You are getting me and the people ready for the purpose of Your plans. Help me to be in unity with You and work together with You so Your glory will be seen. I know I have been in the Promised Land with You, but now it is Your will that I go back into the world, and everything You have been teaching me You want me to put those things into practice to the glory and praise of Your kingdom and name. Empower and enable me to be filled with the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit of God, this will equip and enable me to do Your will from heaven above in Christ Jesus name. Amen.

Lessons To Be Learnt

Waiting at times is so hard and can be difficult to do but it is necessary we do this and learn how to wait upon God. When God is at work within our lives He is working at both ends of the line. He is preparing and getting us ready for those plans He has for us. Look at Joshua. He had been to the Promised Land now he had to go back and live with people who had no idea and in most cases no interest in what he’s talking about. Ask yourself is this where you are today?
To get from where you are to where God wants you to be you have to be willing to be ‘in-between.’ It is so hard to let go of the familiar and stand with your hands empty whilst you wait for God to fill your hands especially in the area of weakness. We must continually give our emotions and feelings back to God and face any area’s in our lives which the Holy Spirit of God would reveal to us that is not correct in the eyes of God.
We should have a deep relationship with God. We must constantly ask Him to take control of our lives praying we shall keep close to Him. He certainly will prepare each one of His children when we follow Him in obedience. We must be consistent in asking Him to equip and empower us with wisdom, understanding, knowledge, revelation, insight, and discernment to enable us to fulfill His plans to His perfect will.

Monday, 13 October 2014

New Blog Post: “The Best Route”

2 Corinthians 5:7 We walk by faith, not by sight.


Lord Jesus, I shall walk by faith, not by sight with You. You have a plan for my life, but as I commit to the journey with You I pray it will always be in devotion and discipleship to glorify Your name. You will guide me to take the best route step by step Your plans will be unveiled within my heart by faith. I trust You wholeheartedly. I refuse to rely solely on my unlimited wisdom, and will obey You consistently wanting only Your will to be done within my life.
I delight in You and put aside all preconceived notions and ideas and will concentrate on being obedient to the Holy Spirit of God. My own personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ is the most important relationship of all. I continue to wait on God. He will guide and lead me through His Spirit and at the right time in accordance to His will Gods plans shall come forth and His glory shall be seen.
Lord, I abide in Christ Jesus and Jesus Christ abides in me. He cuts off every branch of mine that does not produce fruit. And He trims and cleans every branch that produces fruit so that it will produce even more fruit. He has already made me clean because of the words He has spoken to me. I shall remain in Him and He shall remain in me. I cannot produce fruit alone and I need to remain in Jesus Christ at all times this enables Him to produce the good seed and soil within me that will glorify the Father through His name. Amen.

Lessons To Be Learnt

We all need to walk in faith and read the Bible and study it to show us the way God wants us to walk. We need to know the route which God wants us to take and if we want to reach the destination God has for us then obedience is the only way. We must be consistent in our prayer life and study of God’s Word.
We must seek the face of God depending on the Holy Spirit of God to reveal to us what He wants us to achieve on the journey He has made individually for us. On our journey we need to be made aware of the hills, curves, stoplights, restaurants, service stations, school zones, and other details of the trip. The enemy will do all he can to try to divert the course God wants us to take. In Proverbs 16:9 NIV says, "In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps." God will unveil His plan as we trust Him wholeheartedly and refuse to rely solely on your limited wisdom, and obey Him consistently. If you do these things, combined with prayer and reading Scripture, the details of His personal plan will unfold before your very eyes.

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

New Blog Post: “Learning God’s Will”

Psalm 40:8 I delight to do Your will, O my God, And Your law is within my heart.


Father, I delight to do Your will for Your law is written within my heart and I desire to follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit of God. I am ready to follow You in obedience and ask You to make all things clear to me by showing me Your desires and heart so I can follow You.
Daily, I study the Bible; and pray and mediate upon Your Word. I worship You with other believing Christians and pray and exercise and prepare myself to be in the will of God. Let my heart be alert and sensitive to the Holy Spirit of God asking Him to guide and lead me into His perfect plan.
Help me also to discern His voice through Jesus Christ my precious Lord. I ask Him to open up my mind to the Scriptures in the name of Jesus Christ. Open up my ears to hear His voice calling my name and grant me eyes to see the Scriptures from His point-of-view. This will enable and empower me to understand in the wisdom and knowledge of Christ seeking Him with all of my heart. I pray that God would discipline and correct me in godliness, holiness and righteousness for the glory and praise of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Lessons to be Learnt

All of us must be prepared to discover God’s will for our lives this is a major part of our journey with God.  Are you willing to sacrifice what you want for what God want’s for your lives? Are you willing to follow when God makes it clear to you what He desires through His Holy Spirit? Are you preparing yourselves to be in the centre of God’s will? All of God’s children should be prepared by praying meditating on the Scriptures and exercise the faith God has given then to use. 2 Corinthians 5:7 NIV: For we live by faith, not by sight. We should ask that our spirits be sensitized to the Holy Spirit of God, bending our hearts to holiness and godliness and asking Him to equip us to hear and discern the voice of God as He speaks to us through the Scriptures.

Monday, 6 October 2014

New Blog Post: “Live for Today”

James 4:15 NLT “If the Lord wants us to, we will live and do this or that.


Heavenly Father, please help me to live today, and help me not to run ahead of You. Your perfect will is so important to me more than anything within my life. The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. Your purpose is to give me Your life in all its fullness.
Help me not to allow Satan to get me thinking so much about tomorrow that I fail to live for today in a way that pleases You.
None of us know what’s ahead. We can think and plan, but, Lord Jesus, I realize now it’s up to God to make His plan work and not me. I have done everything to the best of my knowledge and ability. God, You will show me Your will so that I don’t boast or race ahead of You. I shall wait on God. I put my total confidence in Him and in His faithfulness to me. He will do all He has said and promised me and His promises shall come forth in Christ Jesus my precious Lord’s Name. Amen.

Lessons to be Learnt

When we try to plan ahead of God, we realise things do not always go in the way we plan for them to go. God knows exactly what He has planned individually for each person’s lives. The Holy Spirit of God teaches us how to lean, rely and depend upon Him in faith. We must never try to run ahead of God. The enemy will try to steal and destroy the plans God has made for us. He wants us to do things in our own strength, will and power and not to depend upon the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit of God. None of us know what is ahead but God’s plans shall come forth. This is when we must trust God in faith to lead us in the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit of God step by step.
Prayer and reading God’s Word is the way to do this. We must never touch anything that does not have God’s grace or peace within it. As long as we are doing everything to the best of our knowledge and ability then it is up to God to show us the way He wants us to walk and on no account must we boast or race ahead of Him. We must not spend the day planning tomorrow and avoid the issues that confront us today. This is one of Satan’s oldest tricks – to plan for tomorrow and he wants us to ignore today. Jesus promised us life in abundance. In John 10:10 NCV it says, A thief comes to steal and destroy, but I came to give life – life in all its fullness we must give our lives fully to Him.

Friday, 3 October 2014

New Blog Post: “Be Yourself in God”

John 3:27 AMP “A man must be content to receive the gift which is given him from heaven.”


Lord, I am Your servant. My responsibility is to serve my Master. Your responsibility is to take care of me so I trust You in faith. I am on unfamiliar paths and they are new to me  but You have taught me to depend on You to fully deliver me and You make clear the path You want me to follow.
You have liberated me and I am now free in Jesus Christ. He has freed me from the pressures from others, who tried to pressurise me. I am free to be the person God has created me to be and free to look to Him for all my answers. I don’t need to run to other people any longer for the answers I need but know the answers will be given to me through the Holy Spirit of God. I am content to come to Him knowing He will keep His promises to me and He will never let me down. I have faith in God my Father just like Jesus had. He met all of Jesus’ needs so therefore He will do the same for me. I cannot be anything other than what God has called me to be. So, I‘m going to concentrate on being my best me I can be, and enjoy being me every day in the praise and honour of Jesus Christ name. Amen.

Lesson To Be Learnt

We must remember the only One who has the right to control our lives is God Himself. We must be aware of this that people will always try to encourage us to do what they want us to do by trying to manipulate and control the situation to their own advantage. We must be constantly praying to the Lord asking Him to grant us wisdom, knowledge and understanding so we can see things in the light with Him.
Jesus said in John 8:36 “If the Son liberates you (makes you free men), then you are really and unquestionably free.” That means you are: a) free from the pressures others try to put on you b) free to be who God called you to be c) free to look to Him for your own answers instead of running to other people. Jesus said, “A man must be content to receive the gift which is given him from heaven.” So make the choice and announce today, ‘I am what I am. I cannot be anything other than what God has called me to be. So, I’m going to concentrate on being the best me I can be, and enjoy it every day praising and glorifying God in all things great and small. Only He is worthy to be praised and adored and loved in Christ now and forever more.