Friday, 2 May 2014

New Blog Post: "Streams In The Desert" – L.B. Cowan

Their strength is to sit still. (Isaiah 30:7KJV)

Inner stillness is an absolute necessity to truly knowing God. I remember learning this during a time of great crisis in my life. My entire being seemed to throb with anxiety, and the sense of need for immediate and powerful action was overwhelming. Yet the circumstances were such that I could do nothing, and the person who could have helped would not move.
For a time it seemed as if I would fall to pieces due to my inner turmoil. Then suddenly “a still small voice” (1 Kings 19:12 KJV) whispered in the depths of my soul, “Be still, and know that I am God” (Ps. 46:10). The words were spoken with power and I obeyed. I composed myself, bringing my body to complete stillness, and forced my troubled spirit into quietness. Only then, while looking up and waiting, did I know that it was God who had spoken He was in the midst of my crisis and my helplessness, and I rested in Him.
This was an experience I would not have missed for anything. I would say it was from the stillness that the power seemed to arise to deal with the crisis and that very quickly brought it to successful resolution. It was during this crisis I effectively learned that my “strength is to sit still”. Hannah Whitall Smith


Gracious God, I want to praise and thank You for showing me how to handle a crisis when it arises within my life. All You want from me is to sit still and lean upon You and You will give me the strength I need to be completely in Christ.
The inner stillness that I have is an absolute necessity in truly knowing You, O God. I have learnt this through the greatest time of crisis in my life. You have taught me through the Holy Spirit of God how to lean, rely and depend upon the Lord Jesus Christ. I can cast all my burdens, anxieties, and troubles upon Him knowing He will help me to cope with the situation I find myself in.
I have heard Your still small voice saying to me, “Be still and know I am God”. Your Word is spoken and power is released into my situation immediately when I obey You O my God. My troubled spirit is rested into quietness through Jesus Christ my precious Lord.
I continue to look outwards and upwards to the Eternal Throne of God and know He is in control of every circumstance I have to face within my life and He will  deliver me at His appointed time to the honour, praise and glory of Jesus Christ my precious Lord. Amen

1 comment:

  1. Amen! I appreciate this post because I use to think people was crazy when they said they heard God. Then I experienced it myself. He always speak in a quiet voice. Thank!
