Thursday, 31 December 2020

Come and Join me In God's Word - God‘s Presence Is With Me

Psalm 16:11 TLB You have let experience the joys of life and the exquisite pleasures of Your own eternal presence.


God is showing me more and more that I am to walk in the coming ‘New Year’, knowing His presence will be with me always. I am about to begin a new adventure with Him. After waiting two and a half years His promises are about to come to pass. He is taking me into the promised land where His blessings await me (Genesis 12:1-4 TLB). I have never doubted His promises would not come to pass, but He has taught me the joys of patience and obedience waiting on Him to work out all the consequences of His plans for my life without me giving Him a helping hand. This is something we must learn. God does not get things wrong. If He says He is about to do something and it’s in accordance with His will, then although we are unable at times to see what He is doing, this is where faith comes in. I have learnt now to take my hands of everything and walk one step at a time with Him.




Father, I want to thank You for Your peaceful Presence in my life regardless of my feelings. I whisper Your Name in loving tenderness. Your peace which lives continually in my spirit, will gradually work it’s way through my entire being. Father, I need not be anxious about the plans You have made for my life, You will guide and lead me in the way I should go. I will allow You to show me the next steps I am to take. I know You will never lead me into anything I am not ready for. I ask You Lord, for Your guidance In both my plans for next year and in the steps I need to take to get there. May God richly bless me as I surrender, submit, relinquish, and yield my will and ways in the almighty name of Jesus Christ and in the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit of God. I commit and commend this prayer to Him. Amen